[quote=@AdamantiumWolf] Okay, first things first, [@Zarkun] is Force Travel the same as Fold Space? Or teleport, also, No to the wormhole, also, is he at sanctuary? Cause I don't think they'd let a SITH in? Am I right? That make sense? But, I think we need to get something straight, my take on it was that The Empire, was eradicating every force user but their own, Palpatine is a force is a force user but he wouldn't kill himself? Sooo [/quote] OK, there is the Sith Order, and then the Sith race. This guy is a member of the Race. Second, Force Travel, I'm fairly certain, isn't a real power. BUT, I'm willing to give it a try. IF he can explain it. Also, isn't Sanctuary a safe place for ALL Force Users?