[@Rex] [@Eklispe] [@duskshine749] [@booksmusicanime] [@KatherinWinter] The Master looked towards Mecca "I would guess you wasn't paying attention then" he states "When you made your sphere didn't you notice it's color?" he asks "When manipulating magic in it's most basic form it will naturally be the color you have" he tells them "Eventually you can manipulate it into other colors though that is only done in order to do certain things" he states "Your own color can never be changed, it is possible to have multiple colors, but yet again it's something you start with, not something you can learn" he says "Infact wizards with multiple colors tend to have a lot more power than others" he would look to Bristle "There are two people in this room with multiple colors" he tells them "Myself being the first.." he says as he makes a sphere in front of them and it would glow brightly with pretty much every possible color like a rainbow. "if you pay attention you'll learn of the other" he says making the sphere vanish and shakes his head at Zephyr at his thought. "as to the question in your head Bristle, what I did to all of you was an awakening ritual" he says "First I Infuse magic into your bodies in order to prepare it. then 6 or so Needles also infused with magic enter your bodies in order to open the gateways, kind of like pressure points" he states "That had the magic that existed in side of you all sealed an unusable" he states "After opening those gateways your magic then spread through your own bodies over the course of months that you slept and formed into 'cores' which are center points of magic" he tells them "These cores can be anything from a sphere of magical power inside you, to the magic being spread through your veins or your nervous system." he states very clearly while glancing to Alex. "Alex it's not that skilled masters are afraid of it, most magic become child play to masters including forbidden magic" he states "We know how dangerious it is so that's why we call it forbidden for it can destroy all life as we know it, most people who have used forbidden magic loses their minds to it and pretty much become insane and evil" he states "Magic has simply always existed, sense the dawn of time it has existed, the origin of magic doesn't really matter now a days" he says shaking his head "and no there isn't a textbook because that idea is idiotic what if someone who wasn't under the apprenticeship of a master found one and tried to do shit in it?" he asks with a raised eyebrow "they would kill themselves and everything around them"