[center][h3]Cave of Solitude - Ayano's Room 7/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Ayano, everyone is here for you, despite your feelings, watch how hard Kami fights. This is your shadow, a part of you that you don't want to see... But it is still you. Whether your hidden feelings are hate for everyone or an unhealthy desire for isolation, know this... It's not the only part of you, so long as you remember that, the rest comes easy"[/color], addressed Rui towards Ayano, cleaning his blade and sheathing it again for the next part. The various spells were hitting the right areas, with Kotori's Zio lighting up the area, giving the party a brief glimpse of the shadow, and that was all they needed. Grazed and slowed by Kami and Sato's spells, the shadow approached to try another killing blow more slowly than before, allowing Akane to intercept and hold it down, with Noboru immediately following up with an uppercut, causing the shadow to start capsizing backwards, chained into a flurry of punches and thrusts on the soft underbelly as a combined effort from Akane and Noboru. As Rui charged, the shadow flipped itself over again, and relit the room akin to that of a disco, before unleashing a blast of multi-coloured energy at the party. Responding to the attack, Rui refined a Garula right through the middle, letting him slip in-between the waves, with Kami following in single file behind. Now they had a chance to deal a decisive blow. Rui started with the overhead slash as Kami followed with a horizontal swipe, and the two would keep alternating between their strikes and their Persona's attacks, before sending the shadow away in a pillar of wind and lightning with some help from Kotori and Sato. Before the shadow even hit the ground, wailing in agony as it was defeated, everyone knew the result as the shadow landed, dissipating into a black mist and revealing the shadow's original form below. Now the rest was up to Ayano.