[i][b](Thinking) [/b][/i][color=aba000][i][b]"Hmm... that guy had a point though, we're working to free Corellia from the Empire. But from how he's talking, there might not be anyone left to free once this is over... I'll see what the future holds before I think more on this."[/b][/i][/color] [i][b]Rolin proceeded to jog back over to Kamara and the ships with the news.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"Alright, change of plans. Seems like he wants to test us in an actual combat scenario. We're heading out any time now. Make sure everything is working one hundred percent, hand check it to make sure."[/b][/color] [i][b]Kamara and the droids set right to work making sure everything was ready to go. Rolin, meanwhile, made sure their gear was ready to go. Two custom made visors with HUDs that could link with starfighters in space combat. His old DC-17m from the good old days in the Clone Wars. And his two Lightsabers, checking over them to make sure nothing was malfunctioning. After that, he jogged back over to Roseland, having a few concerns.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"I wanted to say this now, this is most likely a trap. Working hyperdrives are a commodity these days, and new TIE plans are something that would be heavily protected no matter what. I'd expect that shuttle is bait for someone, maybe us, maybe someone else. Think about that before we leave, because the force is telling me something is off."[/b][/color] [i][b]Rolin walked back over to his ships, handing Teela her visor, the exact same as Rolins but made to fit her. He scanned over his White ETA-2 Interceptor, and Teela's Gray ETA-2 Interceptor. Both had been heavily modified over the past 30 years. Neither required the old Hyperdrive Rings, as he added in built in Hyperdrives years before. They had a complement of 8 high speed missiles along with their twin laser cannons. They also had a small shield generator, providing some defense against enemy fire. He hooked in his visor to his starfighter, and was able to see all the systems appear before his eyes. Shields stable, hyperdrive online, missiles primed and ready, cannons online, engines green. Teela confirmed hers the same. Rolin held his thumb up to the Wing Commander, indicating their ships were ready to fly.[/b][/i]