[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Cave of Solitude[/color][/b][/center] After Kami had swept her away to a safe spot, Ayano couldn't help but watch in dead horror as the battle raged on. That thing...That terrifying amalgamation of limbs and heads was a manifestation of her, one that she didn't want to admit, one that she had kept hidden for so long. The words the two said, it was spine-chilling how hard they hit her, but all of it was true. In those heated moments she could see how hard everyone fought, with vigor, with resilience, especially Kami...The way he battled and pushed onward, almost as if it was...She shook her head, how was she able to accept this thing if she can't even accept her feelings first? The quarrel dragged on and the words that Rui said, it made something inside of her tick, as if a button had been pressed or a trigger had activated, she knew what she had to do now, especially since that the battle had been won. Her two doppelgangers appeared once more, beaten into a sitting position, themselves facing away from each other but back-to-back. The White Ayano heaved and glared at her original, frowning and with her shrill voice said, [b][i]"Haa...No fun, your piece of shit friends are no fun, Ayano!"[/i][/b] It slumped it's head backwards, arms flailing, hitting her twin on the head and demanding her to speak on her behalf. The Black Ayano turned it's head to the original, her eyes still closed and an indifferent expression cast upon her face. [b][i]"I'm tired, Yanary...What about you, Ayano? Are you tired yet?"[/i][/b] The monotone voice it echoed reminded the girl of herself, but now things will change. She looked down at the two, it was her, both of them. There was no denying now, she knows for a fact that these two mirror images are nothing but her own reflections given form. Now was the time to say it, to accept these two and start anew, the future looks bright after all. [b][i][color=007236]"Yeah...I'm tired. Tired of wasting my life behind a computer screen. Tired of pushing away the people I call friends. And most especially..."[/color][/i][/b] She cast a quick look in Kami's direction, giving him a hopeful smile before returning to her shadow. [b][i][color=007236]"Tired of running away. What you guys said, I won't deny any of it. They were all true, even if they were kind of exaggerated...I guess the online world just ate away at me..."[/color][/i][/b] She sighed, kicking her leg slightly as another thought consumed her, a soft blush emanating from her cheeks as the two doppelgangers smiled and grinned respectively, the original's speech patterns quickly became hesitant and she fidgeted here and there. [b][i][color=007236]"A-And...besides...I, no...We have a few loose ends to tie up with a certain someone."[/color][/i][/b] The girl scratched one side of her cheeks as they flushed once more. The two mirror images stood up on wonky legs and faced each other, their hands clasping one another, and slowly they were engulfed by a blue light. It almost seemed sinister but no, it actually felt quite calming. The lights surrounding each of the two Ayano's and before they faded, had a message to say to their renewed original. [b][i]"Y'know...I guess our friends aren't absolute pieces of shit after all, right Ayano?"[/i][/b] [b][i]"Quite. It feels nice to have people you can depend on..."[/i][/b] The blue light intensified as the two dissipated and [url=http://i.imgur.com/Qn3mRAu.png] a new figure made itself welcome before the girl[/url]. She stood in awe as the humanoid spoke to her, ones that would etch themselves in her memory for times to come. [b][i][color=00aeef]Thou art I, and I am thou. I am Dantalion. One who is of a million faces.[/color][/i][/b] The figure soon disappeared and Ayano could swear that the words were still echoing inside of her head. The blue light faded and everything fell silent for a moment. This...Was this one of things things that the others were summoning earlier? And now she can do it too? She stared at her empty hand half-expecting something to come out or pop out due to the power but nothing came to fruition. Remembering that there was a search party that actually took the time to look for her, she turned to them and gave them a light smile, although that smile was quickly replaced with a scowl as a sharp pain coursed through her head and soon, her entire body. Everything spinning again, she tried to concentrate and stand on her legs but that simply worsened the situation, causing her to stumble and eventually fall to the ground. Her vision was starting to cloud, her eyes straining to keep things focused on her surroundings but to no use. Everything eventually faded to black and all but the faintest of sounds were nothing to the girl.