Urick slept in that day as it would be one of the last he would have now with being a Guardian. He still couldn't believe that Aeons had returned! By Yevon he would have never have thought to see one. Now with him Being the guardian to the first Summoner in twenty years he might get that chance. He got out of his cabin and made his way up to the deck and as he exited he was nearly knocked off his feet as the ship shook violently but thankfully because of his training he quickly spread his feet wide and reached down to stabilize himself until the ship came to an eerie stop. He stood up and looked around, he could see Gippal on the ground and Isabeau. To his right he could see Alex. Before he could do anything though a man yelled "Fiend!" Then the tentacles appeared Urick swore to himself as he lowered into a fighting stance when he heard screaming from under. He looked back as the tentacles started to smash onto the deck and looked up when he heard a loud Crack as the mass broke, Falling towards him. With out a hesitation he dove for the door, the mass crashing down just centimeters behind him. Landing on the bottom and rolling to his feet he looked back to see the way up was blocked. It didn't matter for now as he heard more screaming and looked around to see water coming in and tentacles stuck through the side of the hull. He rushed in and Grabbed a fire axe off the wall. His martial Arts would be kinda useless in this situation. Feeling the weight as he moved to the nearest tentacle he swung his ax and sliced through it, slamming the ax into the hull behind it, blood squirted everywhere as it flailed and slipped back through the hole. But it seemed another would take it's place after wards and he would spend a moment fending it off. After he would wound the other he would run deeper to help anyone in need. He then ran into Persephone who was having a hard time fending off the tentacles because of her spear, not really meant for close quarters, but she was holding well despite the disadvantage. to his left he saw Tidus slashing at tentacles like it was nothing, but what worried him was Lady Yuna was on the ground knocked unconscious. He quickly jumped in and tried to help Persephone (FF Fan is going to wait till everyone else posted)