Val smiled at the others as they celebrated, her own thoughts were elsewhere, hearing the clinking of a glass she stirs herself an looks toward the far end of the banquet hall where the council table sat, the elders were seating themselves and the master Grey Paladin tapped the glass harder to gain the attention of the newly ranked knights [color=2e3192]"Congratulations to the Sanctuary's new knights, we are proud of those who passed their trials and for those who didn't better luck next time, the council has put together a mission for our new protectors, a test if you will. In the outer rim lies the small planet Agora, we have allies there that are in a tangle with the separatists, the Son's of Freedom are trying to hold a quadrant of the planet, they've managed to disable their communications and transportation but they seem to be losing the actual fire fight, go there, help finish off the last of the battle then return here after you've helped with all you can, may the Force be with you"[/color] he let his old eyes roam over the small group, he wished there had been more, but it was all they had. Val listened to the elder intently, he looked old and tired, really they all did, there was only so much running one could do, she knew of the transport crafts in their hanger were prepped, she had sent a couple Twi'leks to see it through before the trials had started, she nodded to her fellow knights and turned and headed there now.