

Wave stared down at his pokedex which was a cool, white version and perhaps one of very few white pokedexs which had been left by those who had gotten to the bins first. He thought to himself for a period of time that he would have to visit a store and buy some stickers for the pokedex as well as several type stickers for his pokeballs. But, he would do that later since he was rather hungry. Wave hadn’t eaten at all that morning and could tell that his stomach was getting ready to yell at him if he didn’t get something to eat. Meanwhile, his slakoth nuzzled against his back as he wondered what store would be the cheapest to get food from.

[color=blue]“I was wondering if perhaps you could help us.”[/color]

Wave’s train of thought was interrupted by the line said to him from behind and disturbed him greatly. He had almost found the place where he would go to eat only to lose his thought pattern because some new trainer wanted help. Wave turned around and look at the questioner who was almost the same height as he was. It was obvious that the kid was much more athletic than he was but Wave didn’t want to put the effort into any real physical training if he wasn’t going to use it. After a few seconds, Wave’s eyes finally washed over the Tyrunt and Deino which were beside the trainer and could, from all possible notations of the positions, be the trainer’s pokemon. Though, Wave could easily tell that the tyrunt wasn’t new to the trainer simply by how casual it sat beside its trainer while the Deino was newer, mostly likely acquired from the dome, by the tense air it gave off. Even a starting breeder could tell the differences between the two pokemon in their experience by looking at them. 

[color=#00B300]”You want my help? Well, I doubt I will be of any help mate. I’m a new trainer too. Though, if you want to know anything about your pokemon I guess I would be your man. For example, Deino is blind because of the fur covering its eyes and rams or bites everything to get a feel of where it is. Thus, if you have a deino you’ll need to care for it much more often if you keep it out of its ball.”[/color] Wave said to the trainer who had questioned him. It was true that Wave had no idea how to help the kid nor nothing about what the kid even wanted help with but he certainly knew a lot about pokemon breeding and care so he could answer most any question there. It was a wonder that Wave hadn’t applied himself at all to any sort of training in breeding pokemon since he seemingly had an endless supply of knowledge when it came to him. Though, most of that knowledge was taught to him by his Father who wanted Wave to take over the ‘Family’ business after he retired. Wave had no interest in taking over such a boring job though and thus wanted to see what he could get done in the Kalos League if he tried his hand at training rather than breeding.