alright nerds it's 2 AM, i Don't want to go to bed and I remembered I made another oc thing compilation that I did with my own characters. so guess what disclaimer this is kind of obvious but this is all what i imagine them to be like so lol. also the order of the names corresponds with the order of the ocs in the prompt. [hider=lmao][b]which OC is most likely to eat 9 cans of ravioli:[/b] noboru [b]Which one poses with the leaning tower of Pisa and which one takes the picture:[/b] matt and rui [b]SHIP HELL: Which one hogs all of the blankets and which one hogs the pillows:[/b] sato x roku lmao [b]Which one is more of a morning person and which one stays up all night:[/b] kami x ayano [b]Which one walks through the house singing old Adele songs and which one threatens murder if they don’t stop:[/b] sato x mako [b]Which one is super ticklish and which one does the tickling:[/b] kotori x alexai [b]Which one is a really good cook and which one can’t even boil an egg:[/b] rui x leiko [b]Which one prefers Converse and which one prefers boots when its cold:[/b] noboru x alexai [b]Which one is a the spoiled one and which one does the spoiling:[/b] rui x kotori [b]END OF OTP HELL[/b] [b]if your oc had two people/things that matter the most to them in mortal danger and could only save one no matter what, which would they save?:[/b] Ayano prioritizes her copy of DMMD over Kami [b]which oc (or any equivalent) would your oc have to fight for it to be a fair fight?:[/b] noboru and akane beat hte shit out of eachother [b]which oc sleeps the most and which oc sleeps the least?:[/b] ayano both simultaneously [b]oc1: like… y’know, nyah oc2: what? oc1: Nyah :3 oc2: stop[/b] rui and literally everyone else [b]which oc yawns the loudest?:[/b] chiaki. now you might think alexai would be the obvious choice but he's clearly one of those people with really airy yawns. silent, just like his undying loathing for sato. [b]which part of your otp says “if you were a flower, you’d be a damndelion" and which part tells the other “you know a dandelion is a weed, right”:[/b] noboru x sato #NeverLetItDie [b]which oc likes to eat weird snacks? how weird are the snacks they eat?:[/b] ryan, who regularly enjoys those really disgusting chip flavors like bacon or cinnamon bun, [b]which oc is the cat who sneezes and which oc is the cat who jumps:[/b] kotori and shizu [b]4kids dub your ocs, complete with giving them terrible names, censoring their weapons, and turning them into mockeries of themselves.[/b] jacky smith and his gang of highschool friends in rural America use their Ghost Pals to defeat the evil Monsters. jacky's signature move is using his baseball bat to Calm Down many Monsters with one swing. they go into the Closet to find the monsters invading all the kids imaginations. jacky has to find a way to learn about friendship, make the monsters nice, and study for his math test all before dinner! [b]what would your most recent oc be like if you made them when you made your first oc?:[/b] hello yes this is my new oc, Sato Hashimoto, his parents died when he was fourteen and he grew up on his farm where he had a dog but then the dog died and he's a master of the wind element. h e goes to lemental kid school where he lives in the dorm there with his friends and he's really popular but a loner. [b]is your oc comfortable with people coming to their home?[/b] this kills the Shizu [b]-who cries when someone dies in a movie:[/b] RYAN [b]-who wears the ugly holiday garb:[/b] noboru def [b]-who pays for group meals:[/b] alexai [b]-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone:[/b] noboru and rui [b]-who brings home stray animals:[/b] alexai [b]-who leaves the bathroom door open:[/b] matt [b]-who tells the 'dad jokes':[/b] gen [b]-who wants kids the most:[/b] a l e x a i [b]-who travels the most:[/b] chiaki [b]-who spends the most cash:[/b] ayano no regrets [b]-who buys the things in infomercials:[/b] gen [b]-who draws in the dust on their cars:[/b] akane [b]-who starts the snowball fights:[/b] noboru [b]-who throws away the directions to things:[/b] sato [b]-who puts up holiday decor:[/b] matt and leiko tag team this shit [b]-who is most likely to forget to bathe:[/b] ayano lol [b]-who gets the most obsessed about things:[/b] i mean i dont want to say ayano so i'll say sato [b]-who sings in the shower the most:[/b] chiaki by far [b]which ocs would/will outlive their friends/family/significant others and why?:[/b] thru sheer determination akane lives the longest [b]which ocs fit [url=]this image[/url]:[/b] guy: ryan girl: akane [b]who are your most and least anxious ocs?:[/b] shizu and matt [b]does your oc prefer hotter or colder weather?:[/b] jun lives for beach weather B))) [b]which oc can solve a rubik’s cube the fastest?:[/b] kotori no contest [b]what is your oc like when drunk?:[/b] noboru is a very sad drunk[/hider]