[center][h3]Cave of Solitude - Ayano's Room > Abandoned Warehouse 7/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] Kami was naturally the one to catch Ayano and carry her out of the dungeon this time. With the rescue being a success, everyone began to exit back to the normal world. Kami went off to deliver Ayano to the hospital, but Rui and Kazuki and the rest stayed for the time being to discuss a few things. It was mostly about Megumi's navigational powers, but also something she noticed as she would say. [color=magenta]"That girl, Ayano was it...? She's... She's like me..."[/color], she began. [color=magenta]"She has the ability to be a navigator, I sensed it the moment you guys went into the dungeon... My power can't normally be blocked, the only way I can think of is if they had a similar power. I won't know for sure until she's able to show us her Persona next time but... That's what I noticed"[/color], [color=royalblue]"I see... This would be very useful, we can have two teams enter dungeons safely then, if she chooses to help us"[/color], [color=magenta]"Yeah... It'd be nice to have a bit more help. I sometimes get antsy, since sometimes, four people doesn't look like enough, like today..."[/color], [color=slategray]"Yeah... But there's no use mulling over this now. We'll need to wait until Ayano is okay again"[/color], with that settled, Riku was more than happy to finally leave, while everyone else bid farewells as normal. [color=slategray]"I'll inform Kami when I get the chance"[/color], he said before finally leaving for home. [center][h3]??? 8/6/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh3FgVv24-0]"Welcome, to the Velvet Room",[/url] Ayano's eyes returned to focus... She expected the ceiling of her room, that her experience was some kind of bad dream... But it was not. What she saw before her was a long table, herself seated in one of the seats near the front. Upon her table was inlaid, "The Hermit", with the number of that arcana below it, as well as the card's appearance. She looked down and noticed she was wearing some rather formal wear. It was akin to that you would find in an office worker, short tight skirt, leggings, blazer jacket and a blouse shirt with a tie, and noticed that she was looking through a pair of glasses. She seemed to still have a pair of headphones though, but their design was completely different. She pulled it up towards her ear, and could only hear a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iN41edczc]particular melody[/url]. It sounded pretty nice, but then she noticed the headphones weren't actually hooked up to anything, so it was quite peculiar... In any case, her attention would move to the very end of the table, the source of the very voice that awoke her to this room. [color=royalblue]"This, is a place between mind and matter, dream and reality. My name is Igor, and this is my assistant, Henrietta"[/color], he introduced. There was a tall blonde girl standing beside him, she looked quite professional, with long hair streaming easily to her waist. [color=royalblue]"It appears you have been... Rescued, by your friends"[/color], Ayano as he said this, would notice that there were silhouettes seated at particular positions at the table. [color=royalblue]"It would have been an unfortunate fate, had they not intervened..."[/color], he continued, shuffling around a few cards. [color=royalblue]"You, represent the Hermit Arcana, it seems. You are the type to support from the back, behind the scenes, out of sight, the spotlight is not your home... For now, you will be left with this key, and return to this room at your own accord"[/color], as he finished speaking, the lady Henrietta had already been walking over to Ayano's seat, and handed her a peculiar key. As she picked it up, her vision began to slowly fade. [color=royalblue]"But until then... Farewell"[/color] As Ayano's vision returned to her... She was introduced to the white ceiling of a hospital room.