Nyima walked out of her room and pulled her bag over her shoulder. She shook her head a little, "They aren't going to be expecting me to fight back and they surely aren't going to expect you to show up... Besides, it doesn't matter how many months you train me, letting me win is only going to teach me so much," She looked at him, "And if I get hurt... Well... You are not trying enough if you don't put sweat and blood into it." He narrowed his eyes and looked at her as she smiled softly and grabbed her coat, "I'll see you at the docks..." as she left the apartment. He grunted as he went to his room to get ready, then head to work. the work was mostly paper work, as he had to 'edit' some busts he did and make sure his butt was covered. He had training as well for the new batch of recruits, mostly to find out if they were good enough for the Metal bending. But afterwards he changed before making his way towards the docks. He soon found her siting on a box a short ways from where they met. During this day he thought about scaring her, attacking her while covering his identity. to dissuade her from choosing to be a Rouge bender, But he decided against it. it might just add to her trauma from that first night. But he did wear all black still and a mask. He slowly came up to her from her left, using the sounds of the docks to hide his movement and sounds as he stepped on the docks. until he was 10 feet away from her. "You still want to do this then?" He asked bluntly to see how she would react.