POST PEOPLE!!!! POST!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY IS THIS MOVING SO SLOW!?!?! I feel like Rumiko now because I see everyone active everywhere else but not here... and this is like... the ONLY active RP I'm in at the moment D: DEMON!!! REPLY TO ME!!! SOMEONE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WRITE!!!! SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!!! FUCKING... POST!!!! EOGWOHNEigbowrntbiwtibiqrbgiqboigbqiebgkljwdfbkhqeruhgoepqnbpowrpobnpoqwhgpohweropgnqerngponerogpoqerngopenrpoh[jwgoqljbgjqebgopbqeropghpoqehgbnwpbripbqrgqprhguphq0h3tpoiegowpoerbpowopibonewpohgwrhfpobnqeor BARG!!! RAWR RAWR RAWR!!! Hell at this point I'd even 1x1.... ;_;