I can't believe KamiYano is the fucking official canon ship of this RP. [s]#BringBackChiBoru2015[/s] Like really, what is it that titillates you people between a Policeman and a Hikkikomori? And lo, I became a little shit and did an OC maymay, uber dank. Picked out some questions from the first site Sen gave me, ten questions cuz i'm lazy. I'm utterly sorry if I am not portraying your character the way you want them to be, but that's what you get when you're a little shit like me. [hider=i'm so sorry] [b]which ocs would dance the dirtiest:[/b] Noboru maybe? Complete with shirt ripping action so he can be a completely bara strip dancer. [b]which oc does the best job taking care of plants?:[/b] fucking Matt obviously, little country bumpkin shit. [b]which oc would cry over the silliest thing?:[/b] Chiaki maybe? Oh wait, no Leiko? idk, they're both drama queens anyway. [b]who are the most and least anxious ocs?:[/b] Kotori vs 80% of the characters we have right now. [b]which oc nightblogs and which oc shitposts:[/b] Ayano Nightblogger vs Sato the Shitposter [b]just for fun, which ocs fit these character archetypes (even if just a little) tsundere: Akane, hands down. Maybe Jun too? idk yandere: Chiaki, the Death Arcana does NOT fuck around dandere: Kotori, obvs. Ayano to a certain extent...But she's not as kawaii as Kotori. deredere: Leiko? I am literally just pulling shit out of my hat. [/b] [b]which oc puts the most attention in details?:[/b] Shizu ofc, she's going to make the costumes after all. [b]your oc in a stock photo[/b]: [url=https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/strange-stock-photos-funny-28.jpg] StockYano [/url] [b]which ocs would reenact [url=http://36.media.tumblr.com/99e8bac1c6be9e1167ed6bcb3174fc28/tumblr_inline_nsfmt3J7Jm1qhlz0l_500.jpg]this[/url]:[/b] Kami & (Take your Pick) [b]who would be your oc’s favorite and/or relatable undertale character:[/b] AlphysAyano ofc. [/hider]