[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma Hospital
8/6/2015, Monday[/color][/b][/center]
Ayano waited there in her hospital room, her only company being Kami and while he certainly did fill in the void, the awkward silence looming between the two of them just made conversation stale. She shuffled here and there, and looked out the window, trying to avoid eye contact and focus her mind on something else, her reverie was disturbed however when another visitor came through the door. A person who she swears she had seen before...

[b][i][color=007236]"Wait...Aren't you that Shinichi guy from the club?"[/color][/i][/b]

She blinked once and twice without even getting a response. He said something about the Avengers Initiative which just made the brunette roll her eyes and fold her arms, one of her eyebrows raised and her face adorned with an unamused expression. Really? He looked suave and cool but that line really killed the mood. After a long-winded explanation and exposition class about the strange world she was sent to, the investigation team, and the inner manifestation of oneself, the girl stared with a wide-eyed expression, the gears of her mind slowly trying to process what had just been said to her.

So...Those phantasmal-like images that they summoned in that battle, was Persona? She raised her hand as if to ask a question, her mouth agape, but she slowly retracted it and put it to her mouth, her head slowly nodding.

[b][i][color=007236]"Persona? As in...Like that movie that was being shown a while back? That game? Do we like...have to shoot ourselves with guns to summon them?"[/color][/i][/b]

If so, what a morbid way of unleashing a power! Granted, the ones in the movie weren't actually guns but still...She's played the games, but to actually experience it upfront. Talk about a nerd's dream! But all of this was still quite a lot to take in. She grabbed her head and groaned as Rui explained more and gave his contact number to her, when he inquired about her having Kami's contact she blushed lightly. Her speech becoming sullied again and her voice becoming soft.

[b][i][color=007236]"O-Of course I do!"[/color][/i][/b]

An intriguing thought crossed Ayano's mind, with both Rui and Kami here, maybe this would be the best time to gather information on the cult happenings around Warakuma.

[b][i][color=007236]"So, you guys are part of this Investigation Team, right? Have you found anything about these cultists? What their motives are, who they are?"[/color][/i][/b]