She was about to throw the flint and steel down, when she heard a woman's voice speaking to her, offering assistance. Trix looked up, flipping her blonde curls over her shoulder, her forehead a bit damp from exertion and frustration. She smiled as the woman threw down some dried grass, and Trix realized what she'd forgotten. [color=f6989d][i][b]"Ah! Thank you, been running all over town all day, completely forgot."[/b][/i][/color] She bent down, striking the steel, watching the sparks dance off of it, adjusting her angle until they started falling on the grass. Light metallic tinks sounded until eventually a small bit of smoke began to form in the grass. She leaned in close, cupping her hands around the tinder, blowing lightly. Her eyes were fixated on the smoke, continuing to huff and puff, until a small flame burst into life, eliciting a cheer from the herbalist. She watched it spread over the grass quickly, before it started catching the dried bark of the firewood. Confident that it would spread properly without assistance, she stood fully, examining the woman who'd given her aid. Her garb was certainly a bit strange looking, but Trix just assumed it had something to with her possibly being an Anuirean, indicated by her red hair and sharper features. She seemed a bit older than herself, but still maintained a youthful beauty. [color=f6989d][i][b]"I do greatly appreciate the help, when the mulled wine is ready, the first cup is all yours. I'm Trix, Trix Greenlakes. I've not seen you around, are you from one of the other villages?"[/b][/i][/color] She figured Scream Watch, Anuireans tended to live there more than elsewhere. She began to start preparing the rest of the ingredients, as the fire lit up, and began to slowly warm the red wine. She pulled a small knife from her cooking kit, both her pups sniffing at the woman now that their mother had approved of her presence. Hefting a lemon, she began cutting away the yellow zest from the peel, letting the shavings fall to the wooden table. Looking up from her work, she saw yet another redhead approaching, this one a man, in shining ebonsteel armor. She smiled softly at his approach, [color=f6989d][i][b]"On duty then, Edoward?"[/b][/i][/color] The man nodded, giving a very suspicious stare at Zenovia. As with all Knights, he'd done his first year of knighthood in Scream Watch, so he was a fair judge of how Screamers looked and dressed. But he didn't accost he, for if she'd made it this far, she was a citizen. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Yeah, on patrol until later tonight. What is it you're making?"[/b][/i][/color] [color=f6989d][i][b]"Mulled wine, my new friend here helped me get my fire started, I completely forgot about using tinder. She gets the honor of first cup when it is ready."[/b][/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Ah lovely, well I'll be back around, if Sergeant Brynmore sees me standing around chatting, he'll send me to guard the latrines. Save me a cup and a dance?"[/b][/i][/color] Trix didn't respond to that as he turned and left, casting one long judgmental look at Zenovia. She finished zesting her lemons and began doing the same to the oranges. [color=f6989d][i][b]"So do you have a stand or anything here? Or just enjoying our festivities?"[/b][/i][/color]