[quote=Demon Shinobi] Stoooop... I don't like sadness... I'm Trying... And Drakel it's not so much being in similar RPs because believe it or not I enjoy that. lol I like being able to play different ideas per RP and seeing how it works. Like I want KF to "die" in one, he's forced to be evil in another, and then there's this one where I think I'm gonna have him lose his powers. So I have various ideas and that's not a problem. I think it's more of a thing of not liking how things have turned out... So far. Maybe if I stick with it I'll like things more again in a bit, but for now... I don't know... [/quote] I see... Well I can honestly say that in my personal experience in RPing there are two types of people... RPers who follow like mindless sheep, and RPers who walk alone like wolves. For one, the GM just says, "Lets go here guys" and everyone else is all like, "Mkay"... the other the GM has to persuade and be the dominant alpha wolf for everyone to follow... you have both types in this RP ( I won't say who is who. It's obvious to me though)... So in the end nothing is really going to go 100% as planned, especially since I'm a wolf lol. (as you can tell by the trouble I've given you in the RP xD) In the end though, if you let the RP live I'm sure it'll turn out for the better and characters will all be developed to the point where if even a single one of them died EVERYONE will notice and cry. :3 Just needs patience and the ability to be alpha wolf xD [quote=Demon Shinobi] I think I'd leave that job to Drakel. No offense... Just... he's been my second in command so far... So it makes sense. [/quote] The fuck? I'm flattered, really... I am... Buuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt......... I'm going to slap you with some mother fuckin, hard core, mind-blowing facts... Stryder became Co-GM before I did. Infact the only reason I had for Co-GMing was my common excuse of, "Yo, since me and stryder live in the same house and shit, and we are a team and that'd I know everything from him anyways, how 'bout I be Co-GM too" xD So in a sense your GM pyramid/tower is 1) you 2) Stryder 3) Me (though I kinda count as Stry) 4) Sprigz (I think...) xP