[color=a187be]"Oh? You're making mulled wine? That's wonderful~ I'd love to have the first cup."[/color] She replied with a smile before continuing, [color=a187be]"I'm Zenovia and I'm from Kerawac. It's nice to meet you."[/color] She wasn't much for pleasantries, but she might as well go with it. Don't want to cause [i]too[/i] much trouble. [color=a187be]"Or rather, from 'The Valley of the Screamers' as you ebonfolk like to call it."[/color] She added, giving Trix a slight smirk as if to say 'What are you going to do about it?' Zenovia quietly crouched down to give the two pups a pat and played a little with them using her staff, jingling the rings around to catch their attention and curiosity. She glanced back at the blonde when she heard another voice, a male one. An ebonknight. She wasn't concerned about whether or not the knight knew if she was a Kvaren or not, she had the appropriate documentation to say that she was allowed in here as a citizen. She stood back up as Trix spoke to her, [color=a187be]"I'm just here to enjoy the festivities~"[/color] She replied, stretching her arms a little. [color=a187be]"Your kingdom is strange. Allowing the enemy in just because they have the right documents. And you can't accuse me of anything either."[/color] She commented with a mocking tone as she looked out at the festival area. She was well versed in Ebonfort law, as she needed to be if she was to stay in this place without getting executed.