[center][h3]Warakuma High - Manga Club 9/6/2015 Tuesday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Hm?... Oh it's you again... Ryan?"[/color], he said, as he noticed the meek student sitting in the room. Fairly timid, the kid didn't have a very strong presence. Though he entered the club room and didn't see Akane anywhere. Today was Kendo. He was going to go to that, but all things considered at the moment there were a fair few of the club members asking him where Kami went, since the two were seen together occasionally, which was more than with anyone else, and he honestly didn't have an answer for them. He couldn't simply tell them Kami was investigating the kidnappings. Maybe next time he sees Kami he should remind him about the Kendo club. In any case, he noticed that Ryan was reading more manga, this was the manga club after all. This time it was Soul Eater. [color=slategray]"Oh, Soul Eater, didn't that finish?"[/color], he seated himself as he spoke, putting his things down. [color=slategray]"Are you picking it up or rereading it?"[/color], he inquired.