[center] [b] Amazonia Imperiia[/b][/center] [center][b]Ethyssa[/b][/center] In a flash of smoke and magic Ethyssa found herself deep in the jungles of the Amazon, and after taking a moment to collect herself from her nausea of teleportation, she was led by another mage to the negotiation table where Garren expediently caught her up to speed with the current affairs. By that time the negotiations between the two parties were underway. Garren had explained his misstep, and the mockery and belittlement brought unto him by the princess, and Ethyssa could feel the embarrassment in his voice. It was not a good sign that the start to the negotiations had begun so roughly. Ethyssa listened to the two queens talk for a moment, both spoke of the greater good for the Amazon but they each had a different opinion on what exactly was the greater good, and so the negotiations were going nowhere. Ethyssa stepped away from the negotiations to look at the entirety of the Amazon camp. Aside from the negotiations it was quiet in the Amazon camp. In the distance the mighty trees of the Amazon jungle towered and the canopy grew so thick everything below was cast into darkness, and from the distance the forest looked like a wall of shadows which encircled them. Out there in the wilderness was the true Amazon, beyond the safety of campfires and tents, brutal and foreboding in it's primal nature. Ethyssa admired the Amazons who called such a place their home. She admired their strength and way of life. There seemed to be little false pretense among the amazons for they did as they pleased when they pleased, and if such a thing meant one was uncivilized then the Amazonians were better for it. In a very odd sense, Ethyssa felt at home. She too had been born into a culture of war and survival, but the Amazons faced another variable which she did not understand: The jungle itself. Because of this parallel Ethyssa felt drawn to the Amazonians and made her way deeper into the camp. All around her ferns and plants grew greener than she had ever seen elsewhere. The mighty trees grew so thick it would take a group of men to encircle one completely, and they grew so tall they matched the heights of any manmade structures she had seen before. Here where the canopy was less thick vibrant starlight would flood through and illuminate everything in a beautiful harmony of blues and greens; The jungle was intoxicating. She found her way to a wooden rack which hosted a small collection of wooden bucklers and bow staffs, likely used by the Amazonians to train on the spear and shield. A smile cracked across Ethyssa's face. There was no weapon she knew better than a spear. She set her own spear aside and picked up one of the training staffs. It was noticeably larger than her own, to account for the Amazons greater height and stature, but not unmanageably so. She twirled the staff about in her hands for a moment, accustoming herself to it's weight and center of mass. Not far from her two Amazonian women were looking her way, and in the dim light of the campfire Ehtyssa thought she saw a smile. Ever since Ethyssa had stepped off the boat she had felt the foreigner, not only because the Jungle was new to her, but because the Amazonian's themselves seemed more guarded with Imperial soldiers about. Ethyssa didn't have to be an expert on their culture to sense tension in the air, and some uneasiness among soldiers from both parties. If there was any true mutual ground between Ethyssa and the Amazons, it was the love the spear and of the exhilaration that comes with striking an opponent, and perhaps on this ground she could break the ice. "Care to spar?" Ethyssa asked the two Amazonians, talking to neither directly. "I would be remiss if I leave here without sparring an Amazonian." "But you can't cheat," Ethyssa said with a sly smile. "So that mean's you have to put those guns away," she said as she flexed her arm, hoping the bad joke would warrant a smile but unsure if the Arizonians understood the concept of it.