A spear alone generally made for a poor instrument to block twirling blades with, even when swung haphazardly with seemingly blind abandon, and so Charotose backed-up to protect his limbs until he had his back against a fairly substantial tree. From here he had an amazingly good view of the battle, even seeing one of the screamers making a move for his raptor while Kladissa freed herself only to get pinned-down by the archer. As fast as the spear-wielding screamer could run, Tricia would [i]easily[/i] be able to run faster. With a nod, the almost-prehistoric lizard appeared to be chased-off to abandon her owner, but instead hoping to flank behind the archer that seemed a bit pre-occupied with trying to get a clear shot for Kladissa or her master. At around that point things looked a tad bleak, even as screams could be heard as one fell. The tiniest bit of slack was all the Charr needed to fast-climb up the tree and pelt the poor lad from above with a few apples before lunging on top as well. He wouldn't go for the kill, however; instead he hoped to negotiate safe-passage by proving that continuing the fight would be much more trouble than it was worth for everyone involved, and best they just went their separate ways no worse for wear albeit a tiny bit wiser when picking their fights next time.