Maya exits the kitchen to a bit of commotion. According to the orders being barked out, another strange visitor has been brought into the base. The man fits Paul's description. "Find Rai, we need second in command here. Fuma is out of commission for the moment, and we've got another intruder." Calvin's irritated voice grinds out these observations and annoyances to the deck officers, fully expecting their intuition to take care of things. Meanwhile, Rai slowly blinks awake to find the kitchen empty, and frantic sounds coming from the nearby hangar. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath, suddenly feeling very embarrassed for her dramatic reaction. The source of her shock painfully oozes back into her foggy mind and she pushes her choppy black hair away from her eyes. She hardly has a moment to regain her composure before a page discovers her and unloads the annoying amount of work yet to be done. As Maya follows the general hub of commotion, she spots the glint of Fuma's electric orange hair peeking out from a cracked door near the armory. What was he doing in there? Why is he... on the floor? Kids these days, amirite. She feels obliged to be concerned, but something about his attitude makes that hard. Either way, he's the one who can get Paul out of the hands of his so called cronies, peacefully.