[quote=Spriggs27] Well okay [/quote] yep... Here is a hider that'll tell everyone what they are... incase anyone else REALLY wants to know... this is honestly only what I can tell from early on in this RP though so I don't really know. :/ [hider=Woves vs. Sheep] Sprigz: Sheep Stryder: Wolf ( this I know for an absolute) Drakel: Wolf Reaper: Wolf ( This I know for an absolute) Witchchild: Wolf ( This I know for an absolute) Dreamingflower: Sheep mattmanganon: Sheep ( could still be a Wolf though) Saarebas: Unsure Note that demon is not on this list... reasoning behind this is because he's not an original RPer, he's THE GM... He goes on something else... Where RPers have "Sheep vs Wolves", he gets "GoodGM vs BADGM"... and thus far I'd say he's doing pretty well. [/hider]