As Liam enjoyed the evening with his fellow Paladin’s, The head of his Order rose and addressed the crowd, telling them that it was now time for the newly appointed members of the respected orders to join a fight on some far off planet. With that he and Artreyu made their way toward the hangar before Liam heard the distant [color=#FF1919]Wait a moment[/color] that echoed from his former master’s mouth. [color=#C2C2C2]Go on I’ll catch up with you friend.[/color] He said to Artreyu before running towards Cro Grom. [color=#C2C2C2]Hello Master Grom, you called for me?[/color] [color=#FF1919]Heh heh I ain’t your master anymore kiddo.[/color] Grom said with a slight tinge of sadness as he realized what he said. [color=#FF1919]To be honest I never thought I would say that you know. I mean look at you, you are barely Paladin material and you suck at using the Force[/color] He said as both him and Carver gave a short chuckle. [color=#FF1919]Anyways that’s not what I really came here to say.[/color] He said turning very serious as he averted his gaze from his former apprentice. [color=#FF1919]I want you to know how much you mean to me, I don’t mean that in a sexual way of course cause I know how you humans think so….here.[/color] He said as he pulled out two white A-212 Projection Blasters along with two thigh holsters and handed it to him. [color=#C2C2C2]Master Grom I-[/color] [color=#FF1919]I ain’t finished. Look kid I know that I ain’t the best master, or hell even person, in the world and that at times you may even wonder how I managed to become your master. But I would like you to know that to me you are apprentice in the world and the only one that has put up with me. I hope these two babies shows you my thanks. The only thing I request from you is that you say a quirky one liner everytime you use these guns.[/color] He said cheerfully before pulling Liam in for a rather tight hug. [color=#FF1919]Stay safe kid. And may the force be with you.[/color] Grom said before letting Carver go. [color=#C2C2C2]Thank you Grom. When I get back we can have that rematch you want so badly.[/color] [color=#FF1919]I NEED that rematch kid. I will die creditless otherwise.[/color] He whimpered before letting out a haughty laugh and returning to the ballroom, leaving Liam alone. [color=#C2C2C2]Thanks again, my brother.[/color] Liam whispered as he left before taking off towards the hangar and meeting up with the other force users. [color=#C2C2C2]Are we ready to depart?[/color] He asked no one in particular.