[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Agriculture Club || June 9 TUE: After School[/h3] Once the older teen explained that there was nothing out of the ordinary and to look around them, Shizuka sheepishly turned her head from left to right to survey the classroom. It was just any other room in the Warakuma High school, potted plants and flowers being the only difference. Her hazel eyes laid upon the flowers once more, but to recognize only the white chamomile by name, the rest unknown to the girl still new to learning about flowers. This of course meant that she knew not of any of the meanings behind the flowers nor did she think Matt meant that when he said [i] the language of flowers[/i]. The poor oblivious girl took his words literally, thinking that the foreign upperclassman would present his beloved admirer a bouquet of flowers or some sort, which he did no such thing to Kotori. Embarrassed from the realization that she indeed was over thinking this way too much, her cheeks reddened into a light hue while hands covering the said cheeks. [color=violet]"I-I-I'm truly so-sorry for the misunderstanding!"[/color] Bowing repeatedly in an apologetic panic, Shizuka's voice shook as her lips struggled to speak clearly. Rushing to stuff her belongings into her school bag, the freshman quickly made her way to the door while jumbling her words, [color=violet]"O-Oh I must le-leave, I-I had promised to uh, meet-- no, he-help around my family's tailor shop. A-Ah yes, that was it, pa-pardon me for leaving so soon. Fa-Farewell."[/color] The raven haired maiden was such in a hurry, while her hidden eyes weren't focused on where she was going, [i]SLAM.[/i] Her face met the door with a loud thud and they could audibly hear her going, [color=violet]"O-Owww...!"[/color] Embarrassed from yet another incident, Shizuka ran out of the room without looking back but unbeknownst to her, a white handkerchief labeled '[i] Otonashi[/i]' was left on the floor, beneath the desk she had occupied.