I finally did it, kids. [color=0072bc]"Took your damn time didn't you?"[/color] [hider=Chise Hikaru] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/f03426c559c4e3b40442309fa15cc7a1/tumblr_o0ahdrZG5c1u3jxv3o1_540.jpg[/img] Name: Chise Hikaru Race: Anuirean Gender: Female Age: 28 Birthday: 22nd day of Crimsea, 272 DM Birthplace: Azure Strand Resides in: Ebonfort (Currently renting a room in Azure Strand) Occupation: Ebon Knight Appearance: Chise is what you could consider pretty, though her harsh attitude and body language tend to override such observations. She will choose to cover the majority of her body if she can, being self-conscious and rather mistrusting of other people’s gazes. Though as a fighter this generally works in her favour as, unlike some of the more revealing fighters, she actually has at least something softening the blow of an attack. She is 5’10” with toned and well defined muscles. Though she is an Anuirean she chooses to dye her hair black for her own reasons. Personality: Put simply, Chise is angry. She is short tempered in conversation and even shorter tempered in confrontation. A hard shell of ferocious attitude is all that passers-by and acquaintances will ever see. However in her own time out of view from the rest of the world she is a quiet individual and does whatever it takes to clear her head. She hardly ever raises her voice while alone or causes herself undue stress. When alone it’s eat, sleep, exercise. Violence and anger are reserved for the harsh outside world. History: Chise’s parents were both Anuirean and they raised her as such, teaching her swordplay and unarmed combat from an early age. Because of this she ended up becoming somewhat of a white knight for the other children who lived near her, protecting them from bullies and abusive adults. Coming from Azure Strand, her actions did not go unnoticed and she was very quickly perceived as being a future threat, having a natural inclination to confront crime. When she turned 14 both of her parents were killed by thugs sent by a local crime boss and she was left an orphan. Naturally this then led to her being adopted by the Ebon Knights. This change of events and even further grooming in regards to combat is what turned her from a positive believer in justice to a bitter and violent individual. She lashes out because of what happened in her childhood and it has inevitably skewed her own perception of justice, not seeing the point in protecting certain individuals or arresting instead of executing certain criminals. A further 14 years has passed and she is now a fully grown woman and Ebon Knight. She has tried her best to forget about what happened back in Azure Strand, but it is constantly in the back of her mind. After a particularly violent outburst against a thief she found herself carrying the anger over to her own private quarters, a place that is usually free from stress. Her mind once again turned to what happened to her parents and how her life was forced into what it is now. In a moment filled with impulse and anger she went completely AWOL and made for Azure Strand. She has dyed her hair black and left behind anything that marks her as an Ebon Knight. What she plans to do in Azure Strand cannot be traced back to her life as an Ebon Knight at all. She plans to spill blood and will not hesitate to do so against the inhabitants of Azure Strand as she looks for everyone responsible for murdering her parents. From her time living there as a child she knows full well that everyone who lives in that town is a criminal in some way or another. And if there’s anything that she’s maintained over her life, it’s the belief that criminals deserve punishment equal to or greater than their actions. Who knows, maybe her vigilante actions will actually make a difference in this virtually lawless hellhole. Skills Racial Bonus: +30 in Unarmed Combat Unarmed Combat: 20 +30 Weapon (Falchion): 10 Grappling: 15 Wrestling: 10 Riding (Horse): 5 Interrogation: 10 Bodybuilding: 20 Total: 90 + 30 racial Possessions: Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value 1 | Clothing | Starting | 10gp 1 | Vambrace, Steel | Starting | 50gp 1 | Chestplate, Leather | Starting | 10gp Ledger: Cost | Item | Subtotal +100gp | Starting Money | 100gp 0sp 0cp -2sp/day (Poor Living) -5sp/day (Common Inn Rent) +7gp/day (Occupation Pay, currently suspended) Story List: [/hider]