"WINNER!" He yelled as he reached the bar. He waited for his slow poke friends to catch up and giggled as he watched Blanka. "Meouch.... Beat by a little kitty cat." Nai laughed and panted a bit, a little out of breath from running so fast. "Oh... I forgot to mention. Loser buys the first round of drinks... and I guess that was you." He points at Blanka. He hopped up onto one of the comfy wooden stools and crossed his legs. The bar was very Tiki looking and very cute. A wide selection of some of the top drinks sat on racks behind the bartender, along with a large TV. The sound of music and the smell of the salty air, it just all added to the perfection of the vacation. Nai reached over and picked up menu, taking a quick look to see what they had. He was craving something sweet with a ton of alcohol.