It was dark, cold and rather quiet in the forest. Just the way Ahmal preferred it when he was out collecting poisonous plants for his arrow poisons. As of recently he had been running low. As usual, he donned his camouflage gear which mainly consisted of a green, gray and brown mottled cloak, which allowed him to blend in with the plants of the Chartric forests. Unfortunately his wings couldn't be covered by the cloak, and thus he had to make wing slits to stop them from being pushed down by the cloak. He often cursed his misfortune for having a vivid pair of wings, but their translucent nature was it's only saving grace. He often operated at night, so his eyes were quite attuned to the darkness of the forests, however it was especially dark tonight as the clouds blotted out most of the moon's light, so he could only make out silhouettes unless he was close-by. As he collected his materials, he heard a shout from nearby. Instinctively he turned toward the source of the sound. He saw two shadows, one was small and had a human-like silhouette, while the other was larger and was obviously a quadruped of some sort. The way it leaped to try catch the flying being, he identified as feline. The other silhouette, he identified as a Fairy, due to it's small stature and outlined wings. They were oddly small for fairy-folk though. He watched as the silhouettes moved further into the forest. He shoved the plants that he had collected into his satchel before dumping it next to a tree root. He'll come back for it later. He'll remember exactly where it is. He took flight, travelling among the high branches, keeping an eye on the area around him. It wasn't long until he spotted, what he suspected to be the feline, again. He could see it's dimly glowing eyes as it scratched at a tree. Or rather, climbed the tree. He scanned up the tree, coming across a hollow. He suspected that the Fairy had hidden itself in the hollow. He drew his bow, nocking an arrow into the string. It was his last poison arrow. He couldn't afford to miss. He narrowed his eyes in concentration before firing, taking a chance on his instinct. With a quiet strum, the arrow flew. He lost sight of the arrow as soon as he shot it, but he could tell that it hit. The feline silhouette stopped mid-stride, falling to the ground. It landed on the ground on all fours as felines tended to, but the poison acted quickly as it's heart pounded, the blood circulating. The poison spreading. It soon made a harsh choking noise before laying on the ground motionless. Ahmal waited for a few moments before flying down to inspect his prey, seeing a slight glint of his iron arrow protruding from it's side. It was nothing special, it was just a whiskered [url=]cat[/url]. They were keen hunters, but they were somewhat predictable when chasing prey as they were very unaware of their surroundings when they were focused on a target. With a few beats of his wings he flew upward, hovering outside of the tree hollow. [color=a187be]"Are you alright?"[/color] He inquired in a calm, low voice.