[center][hider=Taellana] [center][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/179910_324500757634492_82155154_n.jpg?oh=325284b1ad4d04b269458ebaa565b08a&oe=5748487B[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Taellana (Tal-la-na) [b]Age[/b]: 22 (We can change this.) [b]Spirit Guardian[/b]: (I'll talk about this more with you.) [b]Disposition[/b]: While having an identical twin, their similarities end at their physical appearance. Taellana is blunt with her words. Favoring brevity and cutting straight to the chase, subsequent actions has earned her favor as well as disfavor among her tribe and traders that happen upon them. With her mind focused on a goal, she often forgets that humans - others - are equally as important to accomplish goals that become ever more complex. Though terrible at showing her affection at times, Taellana's affection is shown through acts versus words of comfort. To those she cares little for, she offers only words and small amounts of her time. To those she prizes and values beyond all us, her words can still be jarring, but how she interacts with another is akin to that of a reserved parent. She's protective of her loved ones. While she may grumble at their shortcomings and mistakes, Taellana will go remedy said problems unannounced. It was hard times that her tribe struggled to endure and survive in. However, if she could ease the burden in anyway for those closest to her, she would without too much fanfare. Especially her twin. Even if they may not agree on a great many of things, something connects Taellana to her sister that's absent with her other siblings. [/center][/hider][/center]