[hider=Alliminum][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/18887_10206808192383173_3223560065379354851_n.jpg?oh=5204499f2b53345732bd6d92d0c77ff8&oe=570176FD[/img] [u]Name:[/u] Alliminum or Ally [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Spirit Guardian:[/u] Peace [u]Markings:[/u] Ally has no tribal markings, having never earned them. [u]Personality:[/u] Alliminum is a dreamer. She looks at the world differently than everyone else. What her tribe sees as landscape she see the "Old Ones". She sees where they walk. She sees the beauty hidden in monsters. And monsters hidden in beauty. But no one else sees as she does. They all whisper behind her back. Calling her names. Things like useless, a drain of the tribe, touched. They asked her why couldn't she be like Taellana? Why did she have to be difficult? They couldn't see it. Couldn't see the souls in the machines they hunted. They called it survival. But there was so much waste. Some hunters killed more than the tribe needed. How was that survival? So Ally ignored the admonitions of her family and tribe and continued to walk the path of the Old Ones. Maybe her heads are stick in dreams, but maybe she was the only one looking toward the future.[/hider]