The small shaft of moonlight that shone through the break in the clouds, reflected slightly on the other Fairy's eyes, they were quite a beautiful blue as far as he could tell. He slowly took his hood off during the brief silence, his blue hair also shown in the moonlight. Primarily, he wanted to take his hood off to get a better peripheral view as well as take away the added darkness that it created. He heard a slight [i]shk[/i] noise as the other fairy, whom he identified as a female, sheathed something. Possibly a blade. It wouldn't surprise him if she did have a blade out and ready, after an ordeal such as this, being cautious was natural. However the way she went about the encounter, wasn't totally normal. It was unusual to see others out here in the night who were not hunters. She was definitely not a hunter. He quietly listened to her as she repeated herself. "I don't know.".. "I don't know." [color=a187be]"Do not worry. I will escort you home."[/color] He responded, his tone remaining as calm as before. He realized that she wouldn't follow some person who just appeared out of nowhere. Pleasantries were needed. [color=a187be]"My apologies. I am Ahmal Ervallen. I am an Ebonknight. I assure you that I will lead you to safety."[/color] He said formally, as he stretch a hand out toward her. He did it slowly, so that she wouldn't be frightened by an sudden movements.