[hider=my character: Eric of Virazeil]Name: Eric of Virazeil Aliases: None yet Age: 23 Race: Human Nationality: Lothan Religion: Castian Appearance: [img] http://orig12.deviantart.net/d275/f/2015/334/5/1/warrior_character_by_arkiniano-d99opf3.jpg[/img] Specialty: Eric trained in the art of monster hunting and swordsmanship for the majority of his time at the academy. Like all Sarians he has basic knowledge of all the branches of magic though he is completely inept when it comes to healing, enchanting, or dark magic. Eric focuses more on basic wards and low level elemental spells whenever resorting to magic use. He is only capable of using He is however an extremely proficient swordsman that uses a single longsword. Eric wears lighter armor that allows him to move agilely when fighting both monsters and people. Sometimes he also carries an axe or short bow into battle as he is proficient with both weapons. Personality: Eric is a sarcastic man who knows that he is a highly skilled individual and is not afraid to share that fact. He is also a slightly selfish man due to his mentor and father figure being an addictive gambler. His biggest dreams are to become a hero like in eh ancient times or the Dark Ages. While he can be selfish and sarcastic he also has a tendency to help those in need. While by no means a hero (and never willing to work for free) he will often take low paying jobs in order to help a peasant in need. He also considers himself a Castian, while not as devoted as some he definitely holds deep respect for the Church and prays every once in a while. Lastly he is quite an intelligent man and a natural leader. Bio: Born in the year 758 AFS in the Lothan City of Sauguis to a peasant hunting family, Eric’s mother was killed by a balverine when he was only four years old. Shortly after this his father became addicted to alcohol and beat the young boy for the next five years without mercy. At the age of nine Eric ran away from home and into the Lothan jungles until he found his way to the small town of Virazeil. The local priest, an old man named Brother Pharn took the boy in after catching him trying to steal food from the inn. The priest was a good man though not without his vices, such as his gambling problem and struggle with greed. For two years the priest taught Eric to read and write while also directing his anger at his father to the beast that killed his mother. From then on he decided that he wanted to hunt monsters and began ‘practicing’ with broomsticks on everything from furniture to other children. Brother Pharn was not thrilled with this because he had hoped to train the boy to be a Priest. Finally on Eric’ eleventh birthday Pharn brought him to the College of Mages in Raliven so that he could be trained by the mages to hunt monsters. He was however turned away because his magical abilities were deemed as “sub-par,” something that caused the priest to burst into a fit of rage at the Mages calling them fools and hypocrites. This made Pharn an even greater father figure in Eric’s life than before. Months later Pharn and the young Eric found themselves at the doors of the Sarian Academy where he was accepted within an hour after Grandmaster Florian Serrer heard that the College of Mages had rejected him. In order to be trained Eric had to be left in the hands of the Academy professors meaning that Brother Pharn had to return home. After a heartfelt goodbye Eric was informed that he needed to choose a surname for the Academy records. Due to the fact that he had long since forgotten whatever family name he might have been born with he chose to put ‘Of Virazeil’ after his given name as he now saw the small town as a home. For the first year of training he was put into basic learning classes along with the rest of the first year apprentices. He excelled in reading and writing while he struggled in the practical applications of magic classes. Eventually he was allowed into basic training classes in which he was a natural at archery (probably due to him being a Lothan) but for whatever reason preferred the feel of a blade in his hands. While still struggling with magic he was able to cast basic warding and elemental spells. After four years of training at age 15 Eric was allowed to choose his advanced and specialized studies along with the rest of the fourth year apprentices. He quickly chose to focus on monster hunting and swordsmanship. He stayed in remedial magic classes but excelled in every other subject with an extreme interest in the history of the traveling heroes of the first Dark Age. By the time he was 19 Eric had been training for 8 years and was ready to graduate with the rest of the 8 year students. Instead he decided to stay on to study master monster hunting and swordsman classes with another four years of training. It was around this time that word reached him of Brother Pharn dying of old age. Due to the priest’s high gambling debts he was not able to leave the boy an inheritance. He left the Academy for a month in order to attend the funeral before heading back to complete his master training. Over the next four years he became the highest qualified swordsman the Academy had ever seen in the forty years of its existence. One of his instructors even stated that Eric was the best swordsman he had ever seen. Currently he is completing his last task in order to graduate from master monster hunting, track down and kill a random monster on the Island of Saria. Ironically enough, he pulled balverine and is assigned with killing one as his very first real taste of combat. [/hider]