Trix watched wide as the man lurched forward, thrown off balance by something. His free arm flew wildly, revealing the large knife he'd had hidden. He turned, immediately on the attack, Trix only now seeing the arrow in the back of his shoulder. Having stopped suddenly, she realized she'd left her impromptu staff with the injured woman. Not that it mattered, she'd never used a weapon before in her life. Not knowing what to do, or who the latest mystery attacker was, she turned back, running to the babbling woman, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process. Quickly she bent and grabbed the staff, running awkwardly back to the crest of the hill that the man had already disappeared over. The man on the other hand only had a smile on his face as he quickly began closing the gap on the archer that had assaulted him. She could see him yank up the sleeve on the injured arm, and tap what seemed to be a tattoo of a white five petaled flower, with three petals looking withered. There was a glowing about him, as he continued to move, arms pumping, knife held fast. When the glowing stopped, the arrow was gone, as was the wound it had inflicted. It didn't take long to catch up to the archer, as he did a wide sweeping slash at her abdomen, revealing the flower tattoo once more, this time with a fourth withered petal. His slash was followed by a straight kick aimed at the woman's left knee, strong enough to cripple should it hit. Once Trix saw what was happening, she saw the other woman, bow in hand, under attack. She had to help, for the woman had helped her. She continued to run forward, her breath already coming faster, as she was not the most exercised, staff held awkwardly before her. When she was close enough, but out of reach, she stopped and shouted, [color=f6989d][b]"HEY!"[/b][/color] trying her best to at least distract the assailant. She kept her staff coiled back, ready to swing it as hard as she could, clearly holding it like an amateur.