Lyriia once again was left staring as the other fairy took his hood off. He had… blue hair, if the light wasn’t playing a trick on her. How… unusual. She knew there were plenty of fairies who had unnaturally-colored hair, but she’d never met one. From what little detail she could see, he was quite handsome… and she promptly felt guilty for even considering that thought. He was… introducing himself. Okay. She mentally filed away the information. A fairy Ebonknight. That meant that Lyellan, if he didn’t get himself killed for stupidity and hotheadedness, might actually have a chance. A weight that she hadn’t even realized she’d been carrying lifted off of her shoulders and she found she could breathe easier. The girl clasped hands with Ahmal briefly, quite reassured by the warmth and sureness of his grip. He wasn’t lying to her, at least, as far as she could tell. [color=7bcdc8]“My name is Lyriia Elenye. I am the apprentice of Gherick Longarm, the physician of Silent Rise. I was out here to gather herbs and it got dark faster than I expected.”[/color] She blushed slightly, embarrassed at herself. [color=7bcdc8]“I um… when the cat attacked me I dropped my backpack. I need to go get it…”[/color]