The sword-wielder was surprised at the agility with which the Charr had scaled the tree, but cats were cats. Even more surprising that he'd found apples on this tree in the winter. He was lucky they were older, rotten, so they did no damage. But when they struck him, they exploded in a foul mess of disgusting juices, and served their purpose of distraction, for some of the juices got in his eyes. An arm shot up to his to try and rub them clear, when a body collided into him from above. He felt his sword cut into something, and it wasn't him, so he could only assume he'd managed to cut his assailant. Then there was a loud female shout from atop the ridge. Kladissa looked up to see the pale woman standing there with several heads of Screamers being held by the hair. This was enough distraction for Tricia to maul the archer, ripping him to pieces with ease. The other screamer that had been after the raptor dropped his weapons and held his arms up, the universal sign for surrender. The man beneath Chartrose shoved hard and pushed the man off him and rolled away, finally clearing his eyes. He saw the heads of his fellow Kvaren and was enraged. But he was outnumbered, outflanked, and on his ass. He set his swords down, seeing that he'd managed a decent slash into the Charr's left bicep, smirking. He didn't speak, expecting them to kill him. Kladissa slithered over, clearly other ideas on her mind. [color=f6989d][i][b]"Someone patch up the cat, wrap it up or whatever."[/b][/i][/color] She looked down at the man, wondering his use, [color=f6989d][i][b]"You will come with us. Should we encounter more of your kind, you will grant us safe passage to our destination. If not, you're dead."[/b][/i][/color] The Screamer rolled his eyes and nodded, they weren't knights, so not necessarily inherent enemies. Besides, if they came across other Screamers, it wouldn't be difficult to get them to save him. The pale woman tossed the severed heads aside, and tied up the spear wielder's hands, and helped him into a saddle, which she tied him to as well. She repeated the process with the sword wielder, taking their weapons and storing them on the various mounts. [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"Can we get going now?"[/b][/i][/color] She sounded annoyed and impatient, returning back to her own horse. Kladissa nodded, checking her lizard over before deeming him healthy, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Everyone good to go?"[/b][/i][/color] Eventually, the group entered the zone where no animals dared go. All of the mounts were skittish and nervous, Tricia included, and each person could feel a deep, boding bloodlust in the area. Then Kladissa led them to the [url=]entrance[/url]. She dismounted, and the others followed suit, clearly leaving their mounts outside. [color=f6989d][i][b]"You don't know what will be found in there, so keep your eyes open and your reactions sharp."[/b][/i][/color] She untied the screamers from their saddles, but kept their hands bound. Smiling at them, then nodding at the entrance, after handing one of them a torch she'd just lit, [color=f6989d][i][b]"Lead the way."[/b][/i][/color] The entrance led to a sloped ramp, heading deep into the ground, the aaenshi following the prisoners, poking at them with the head of his axes, laughing each time. Kladissa followed him, and the pale woman wait for Chartrose to head in, so she could bring up the rear. The walls were finely crafted stone, ancient, spider webs everywhere. As the group descended, a small ledge, barely large enough for a mouse to fit on appeared on either side of the hall. As they continued further, the ledges grew wider and wider. Ahead, they could see where the ramp ended in a large open door way, growing ever closer as the group progressed.