He gently pulled her out of the hallow when she grasped his hand, his wings beating a little harder to support the other fairy. Fortunately for him, she was lighter than most fairies that he knew of. [color=a187be]"It's an honor to meet such a well known fairy. Your medical work is appreciated by the hunters and knights alike."[/color] He responded in a kind tone. During his younger days, he had also visited Longarm for some treatment. The man's knowledge and skills were worthy of praise, as was his apprentice's. He chuckled slightly, something which he doesn't do very often. [color=a187be]"Seems Longarm has started to push duties onto his apprentices again."[/color] He commented in a off-handed manner. [color=a187be]"I too, dropped a satchel of.. herbs when I followed you two. I will help you find your belongings.[/color] He responded in his calm, formal tone once more. He gently kept hold of her hand and guided her toward the snowy floor of the forest. He remembered the exact route he had taken, however he did not know where Lyriia's satchel was. Surely they'd find it along the way back. They slowly back tracked along Ahmal's path. He kept his pace slow so that she wasn't left behind in the darkness.