Mikhail closed his eyes in bliss as his Latin name, [I]Mik-l-el[/i] was mentioned, before turning back to the matter at hand. "Let it be done," he said before swooping down on the Cultists, his sword slashing, cutting, and thrusting, but despite this, drawing no blood; further observation revealed that the blade dealt no physical damage whatsoever (for now) but did cause pain, pain as the magical corruption that had drugged the Cultists was cut out, allowing them to be filled with the rejuvenating power of Hope that Mikhail emamanted. Once he was done, he flew to the centre of the chamber, saying: "You, all of you Cultists, have been given a second chance. You will not die here today, but make up and atone for your crimes." As the robed men and women recovered from Mikhail's blows, slowly coming to grips with what had happened to them in their search for power, they nodded, and the chain-constructs that bound them were loosed. "Now, sign over all of your wealth and holdings to my Catalyst; he will reveal his name to you shortly," Mikhail spoke out loud. "You will also return the children that still have families, and who [i]want[/i] to see said families again, back to their homes. Then return to me; I will have use of you." After recieving their assent, Mikhail then flew back to the ground, where the children were. He faced Sarah, before strapping his sword behind his back - he used a construct - and saying: "Sarah, was what I did okay? And, sorry for allowing Rob -" Rob being the name of the dark-haired kid who was killed "- to die -" But Sarah was alread rushing to hug Mikhail, crying. After some hesitation, Mikhail cried as well, his aura still blazing. All the pain, all the fear and sadness, he let it out in his friend's embrace. Then he spoke to the Cultists once more: "Show us the directions to your finest rooms; we - I, Sarah, and the other kids without families or with families they don't want to return to - are staying there from now on." He was finally going to sleep somewhere decent, that was a plus. [@Ikthaias]