[hider=Large image] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38700000/Elf-fantasy-38702111-1600-900.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Jasper of Steelport Aliases: None yet Age: 23 Race: Elf Nationality: Raliven Religion: Agnostic, doesn't affiliate with the major religions. Appearance: Short brown hair and green eyes. His hair is often messy and choppy, as he doesn't want anyone else to cut his hair. Often prefers to wear leather armor and a hood. Prefers to wear dark green over any other color. He's built thin and tall like most elves, but his right ear is nicked and the tip is missing. He stands at about 5' 5". Specialty: Jasper was trained in monster hunting at the academy, though only because it was an easy way to make a profit. He focused more on stealth and knife skills than magic, though he was forced to learn limited healing magic due to his abilities which he insists on not learning about. His talents lay in ambushing enemies and staying hidden. Jasper uses a pair of knives and light armor for his gear. He can also use his fists when necessary, but that works better on humanoids than monsters. He is also skilled in escaping wherever he is held. Personality: Jasper is extremely sarcastic, always with a smile and a quip. He's just as likely to try and con you out of all your coin as make jokes while fighting you. He's extremely loyal to his friends, though he tends to alienate anyone he meets through his sarcasm and con man tactics. He's used to operating alone, so working in a group is new, but he isn't opposed to it. Jasper has no attachment to any one church or religion, deciding that the world does not care about how pious you are. Jasper often goes out on his own to do various tasks, making him somewhat unreliable in a team. Bio: Born 759 AFS, Jasper was given to the church after being abandoned there. Jasper grew up in the church, and after he turned eight years old, it was discovered that the little elf boy had a talent for magic. They also didn't know that at the time he had a talent for stealing and theft, which he would work on when not required at the church for work. It mostly started as a way to subvert the church and the morals he had grown tired of hearing about. Jasper particularly enjoyed stealing from the rich parishioners who never gave to the tithes box anyway. The church work Jasper did was mostly cleaning and rewriting old texts, which had always been set on a strict schedule. He very quickly learned how to read and write through it, and when to sneak off from his dumb tasks and how to avoid the priests. He learned how to be small and avoid notice, and most of all, he learned that the priests were just as hypocritical as they sounded when they preached. Jasper decided that letting the priests dictate his life wasn't worth it. Plus, he discovered the reason they were sending him away was that they expected the elf to have magic abilities from the start, and expected the boy to simply go with their plan. When he began the mage school, he was also informed that he would have to sever his ties to the church, and abandoned all the church's plans for him. So after Jasper said his goodbyes to the church priests he had known all his life, he left the school but stayed in Raliven while stealing from the nobles and occasionally the Chevaliers. He quickly became someone who knew all the ins and outs of the Raliven underground, but decided against working with anyone. Jasper was bored of Raliven and decided to try and see what Saria had to offer, as it held the big academy and the Arena. He continued to steal in Saria, but decided that he'd attempt something different than stealing, which proved to be hard to figure out. As he wandered, he discovered that the rampant monster problem could easily make some cash and an exciting lifestyle. However, he needed to convince the headmaster he was worth submitting, so he attempted to fight a monster on his own. Before anything too bad happened, monster slayers stepped in and killed the Demon before Jasper ended up dead. When his plan failed, Jasper decided to try and apply to normal way, but quickly ran into another problem. He needed a last name. He quickly made one up, and submitted it. The headmaster eventually accepted it, somewhat suspicious, but unable to find fault with the 'donation' that had arrived at the same time as the application. The basic training was boring, and the classes he took only attempted to help him with his magic, which he decided wasn't worth his time or energy. Reading and writing was easy while some of the practical appliaction was passable. When basic training rolled around, his archery was... abysmal. He hit a target once in the entirety of the training. After four years, Jasper wondered if doing anything more was worth it, but stayed on to fight monsters and whatever they wanted. He passed all his classes, and tried not to let them put him into any advanced magical classes. He instead focused on his stealth and swordsmanship classes, refining his fighting technique from street fighting and punching and kicking to something less full of hoping the other fighter ends up dead. Jasper stayed on to continue training as an assassin/monster hunter, and while he still didn't really try to apply himself, he still worked at finishing his schooling to hunt monsters. He recently learned that in order to graduate from monster hunting he had to kill a random monster on Saria. He pulled balverine, whatever that is, and is currently working to track one down and kill it.