The arrival of the screamer had not gone unnoticed by Halbera, though it wasn’t unusual for some of them to be seen on this side of the border. Though Halbera always felt it was important to check the papers of anyone who seemed unusual passing through Scream Watching. Her stride carried her quickly towards Zenovia her left hand settled onto the sheath of her sword just below the hilt so that way she could easily grab the handle and pull the sword free. She moved to stand right in front of Zenovia and held up a hand as if ordering her to stop. “Let me see your documents.. I need to make sure they are real.” Following behind her at several feet was a large bull mastiff drool falling from its jowls as it slapped his mouth together and gave a slight bark. “This is scream watch after all. Can’t have illegal screamers running around all over the place now can we? Not that legal screamers are any better, bunch of dirty, stinking lot they all are, am I right?” Her hand was still held out to accept any papers that Zenovia might produce.