I'll probably end up using some sort of browser based client, seeing how I know that many people don't like giving their Skype/don't have it installed, etc. But, that's something for tomorrow, seeing how I'm pretty much asleep at this point. Discord is a decent idea. I used it a while back. I don't personally like using Ether/Titanpad, since it's rather limited (only 6 colours? Egad!) and messages can get really lost. If you would still like to use Skype to contact the GMs, then you could add me (grazinglemur) on Skype and contact me whenever. [@Dead Cruiser] Poke's in weird UK timezone, so you'd have to wait a bit for him. [sub]also, i'm not reviewing muscleman mcbestcharacter until Poke has a chance to wake up and see it, since he's been asleep[/sub] [hr] leaving this application for [s]Ostarion[/s] Poke [hider=You're That Ninja][center][h2][color=fff79a][b]Ryder Seirei[/b][/color][/h2][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4CtfJGr.png[/img][hr][i][color=fff79a]"GOD. DAMN. IT."[/color][/i][hr] [color=fff79a][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Phantom Rider [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 (18 at time of death) [color=fff79a][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=fff79a][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Vigilante/Villain. It really changes, depending who Ryder is mad at. [color=fff79a][b]Personality[/b][/color] Ryder is a constantly irritated and stubborn man. People usually have days where they wake up on the right side of the bed; not Ryder, however. He only have two settings: upset and angry. Despite this constant rage, Ryder does have a sweet spot for other ninjas/assassins/sneaky people. However, this sweetness is more akin to a toleration. Ryder doesn't consider his life to have any worth. For some reason, he still won't die, even though the source of his power comes from his raw determination. This ended up making him more irritated, and at this point, he just thinks that Death is upset at him. While he is a skeleton, he has decided to readjust to society. This has some complications, however. He's unable to hold down a steady job, as people who see his real face think he's some random villain. This made him extremely angry, but he learned to deal with it, since it had happened for 2-and-a-half-god-damn-years. [color=fff79a][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [u]Eternal Flame[/u] Ryder is immortal. His pure determination prevents him from dying. As a result from denying Death so much, Death (petty as it could be) decided for him to eternally burn. Luckily, Ryder's flesh and nerves burned away, so really, he's just a flaming skeleton now. This is also difficult for Ryder to live normally. [i]Pyromancer[/i] Ryder can control fire. He can use it as a projectile in the form of fire-shuriken and fire-kunai. He can also use it as the blade of his sword, which is actually just a hilt. This isn't the limit of his power, however, but it is what he uses the most. Luckily, he can quell the flames that reside on his body. This is only temporary, as it requires a great deal of concentration to keep his flames down. [i]Skeleton Physique[/i] Ryder doesn't really feel pain because he has no more nerves. He's also quite light. He's surprisingly strong and durable, too. He just chalks the second bit to his purity of will. [color=fff79a][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [u]Ghost Reaver[/u] The blade that Ryder uses to channel his flame. It was his old blade when he was a ninja. The blade was said to cut through anything. It also broke when he died. So, yea. It's really just a hilt with sentimental value. The fire sword doesn't actually cut stuff. [u]Fire Retardant Scarf and Ninja Clothes[/u] They don't burn up, luckily. When he's trying to blend in, he uses the scarf to cover his face, just to make sure nobody catches on that he's a skeleton. His ninja clothes hide under his plain clothes. [color=fff79a][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/color] Ryder is a fast and quick fighter. He darts around the battlefield, setting things on fire, cutting things, and generally creating chaos. Like some sort of bad ninja. [color=fff79a][b]Signature Moves:[/b][/color] [u]Nanda Kore Wa[/u] Ryder vanishes from view and appears behind his target. He then says "Nanda kore wa" and the target gets slashed at multiple times from ahead (despite Ryder being behind them). Stolen from his late nemesis; Ryder actually doesn't know what it means. He just wants to make fun of the dead guy, even after death. [color=fff79a][b]History:[/b][/color] Ryder had been born into a clan of ninjas that lived and conducted business in Megatropolis. Like any other good ninja in the Seirei clan, he was trained in the ninja ways. Upon his 18th birthday, he was given a mission; his rite of passage, if you will. He was to receive the legendary blade Ghost Reaver. If the sword deemed him worthy, he would gain the sword. If the sword deemed him unworthy, he would be slain. He received the sword, but as soon as it touched his hand, the doors to their room swung open, and everyone within died. All that could be heard was the words "Nanda kore wa" and then people dying. Ryder was no exception. He died. But, within his seething desire to live, he didn't die. Death, who was upset that he disrupted the natural order without her permission, set him on fire in order for him to give up. Ryder fought through for long enough. As a price for survival, he lost his flesh, but gained a new (actually) bony exterior. Half a year of training later, Ryder finally encountered the man who slain his clan. Tenshi, wasn't his name? It didn't quite matter. Ryder fought Tenshi for hours. They lead a chase throughout the streets of Megatropolis (accidentally causing $30,000,000 in property damage). Ryder was victorious. When Tenshi was on the ground, Ryder drew his blade, and slammed it down into his chest as revenge. Well. That's what was supposed to happen. The blade broke itself, not wanting to be used for revenge. Ryder, upset at his blade's suicide in order for Ryder to not become a violent murderous monster, decided to beat Tenshi to death with his bone fists. Well, that killed him. Ryder, with nowhere left to go, went to living the life of a normie. It ended up making him angrier because he hated such human things (despite being human) as rent and jobs. The rest is, as you would say, history. [color=fff79a][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [u]You're That Ninja[/u] Ryder, despite being on fire and really loud, is still a ninja. He's good at the sneaking thing and general elusiveness. [color=fff79a][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] He's constantly on fire and his strongest form of attacks are all fire, so some water/flame retardant clothing/fire extinguisher easily beat him. Despite having a sword made out of fire, the blade can't actually cut anything. It just gives real serious burns. [color=fff79a][b]Nemesis:[/b][/color] Formerly: Tenshi the Clan Slayer Currently: Adapting to daily life [color=fff79a][b]Story Arc Ideas:[/b][/color] Zombie Tenshi [color=fff79a][b]Other:[/b][/color] Nada[/center][/hider]