[@SilverDawn] Not that it makes much difference, but the Etherpad I'm referring to (there's more than one, unfortunately) at etherpad.wikimedia.org is much better than TitanPad etc. You can be whatever color you want (there's a gradient square), it actually uses the whole screen, you can change what font you view it in, the chat is much bigger, etc. It's a much more powerful tool, IMO. [url=https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/SaikyouTest]I made a test pad in case anybody wants to frolic around in it.[/url] I don't have a preference what we use (I have like 2638757396 pads already), but I needed to differentiate this pad system from TitanPad and that lot. I've never used Discord, though, so I'd be down to try something new.