A loud yell caused Alphys to startle awake with a small yelp, but she relaxed when she saw that it was Undyne being her usual strong self. Alphys wasn't a fan of waking up in general, but being woken up by your awesome fish girlfriend was the best. Especially if she brought you breakfast in bed. Alphys had been wary of Undyne's cooking at first, but her skill level had improved tremendously since that time when she and Frisk had set her house on fire. These pancakes didn't look pounded to dust or on fire at all. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Alphys said, [color=fff79a]"Wow, Undyne, you didn't h- have to. Not that I don't appreciate it! These are great! Um, thank you."[/color] Alphys was blushing. Why did she have to get embarrassed so easily? Now Undyne was bowing gallantly on one knee, which was simultaneously silly and heartwarming. [color=fff79a]"Come on, get up here and share these with me,"[/color] Alphys huffed, patting the bed beside her.