Name: Edward Pierce Aliases: None Age: 19 Race: Human Nationality: Loth Religion: Castian Appearance: [img][/img] Specialty: Edward specializes in the skills of the Paladin order, utilizing heavy plate mail and a sword and shield. His magical capabilities are limited to healing and aid, but he makes up for it with a huge build and incredible strength. His hand to hand combat skills are intermediate but he prefers to keep enemies at a distance with a blade. Personality: Edward can be quite introverted at times, as he's never had too much social interaction. But he values companionship very highly due to that same reason and would lay down his life to save his comrades. His preferred battle position is out front where he can shield his companions from harm. He harbors a hatred for war and large conflict, the thing that took his father figure from him. He doesn't touch alcohol and takes his fitness very seriously. His favorite way to sleep in curled up in a ball. Bio: Edward lived a lonely childhood, being the son of a wealthy baron in Loth. As a child his mother often told him stories of Sarian Adventurers, which fueled his nighttime dreams. That was the only time his mother was around, and even that would change eventually as she was a lady of the court. This left Edward alone all day with nothing but his imagination, he'd often play outside and imagine himself as a holy warrior. He became so fixated on the idea in fact, that when he turned eleven he begged the local sword master to teach him how to use a sword. His mother and father only got busier, leaving him more time to spend with his mentor Angelo. He was his apprentice for a span of three years, learning up to intermediate techniques with a blade. But things didn't stay like this, Being a swordsman of Loth Angelo was often called into battle during the war. Many weeks after one such trip Edward received notice that his mentor had died on the battlements, the man he had looked up to as a father figured was gone; and his real father wasn't much to speak of. After many weeks of thinking he reached a decision to apply with the Sarian Academy via letter, and after doing so looked into his father's documents of ships heading to the island. After months of waiting the Academy finally responded, with news of his acceptance. On receiving the letter Edward slipped into the cargo bay of an outbound ship the following night. He didn't leave anything for his family, The only one he cared for was gone. When the ship finally reached the island Edward cared not for how hungry or smelly he was, and went straight for the school. His enrollment in the Academy went rather smoothly, as he was near top of his classes; save for magic. The only things he could muster were middle of the road healing and aid spells. The instructors told him that his skill set was perfect for a Paladin, exactly as he had imagined himself as a child. The memory of his old mentor kept him going through the trying times of his training, giving him a five year graduation. He was finally ready to forge his own path, and he even made a few friends.