Frisk laid recumbent on their bed, a torn notebook in their hands. It was the same torn notebook that they had found underground what seemed like ages ago. A lot of the pages were torn and the thing was nearly incomprehensible because of its damaged state, save for a few specific pages. Frisk had had their curiosity piqued ever since they first found it in the underground. While it was still quite messed up, Frisk found the notebook useful for a variety of tasks. Writing down new snail facts they found on the internet, for example, was one of them. This was mainly for their mom, since they truthfully couldn't care less for the things. Fun fact: Snails have actually proven themselves to be quite the successful real estate vendors. Huh. The aroma of the chocolate pie permeated their nostrils and their mouths instantly began to water. They looked at Flowey, whom they had put right next to their closet. It was a small room, but Frisk had no problem with this. [color=ed1c24] "Wanna come with?" [/color]They asked the flower, as concise as ever.