[hider=The Hero of Courage][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NhdkoWQ.png[/img] [color=gold]"Fear is just a lack of confidence."[/color][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Nadia Penn [b]Alias:[/b] Collider [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/w1ECift.png[/img] Standing at 5'7" and weighing 136 pounds, Nadia's frame is one belonging to a young woman who has put a lot of time toward physical training. With light brown hair and green eyes, the girl is seldom seen without her trusty weapon somewhere on her person. Most commonly, it is holstered at her hip. While her expression can be very serious in combat, it is usually much lighter and friendlier when not in the heat of battle.[/hider] [b]Personality[/b] The first thing one would notice Nadia is the complete lack of fear on her part. No matter the odds or situation, she simply refuses to be afraid of anything (or so she'd want you to think). While this can make her reckless, what she lacks in fear she makes up for in confidence. There are probably few as certain of themselves and their capabilities as Nadia. To make this confidence even better (or worse, depending on how you look at it), Nadia is stubborn as a rock. Giving up is just something she doesn't do. With all this said, even Nadia isn't completely without fear. Since the day she was born, she's been afraid of the dark. Not because of the lack of vision, but that doesn't help much. She's more afraid of what might be in the dark when nobody can't see it. Her vivid imagination hasn't made this any easier to manage. She reacts to fear with violence, even more so than how she reacts to evil. Speaking of beating up bad guys, Nadia has sworn never to take a life unless there is absolutely no other way. This doesn't mean she has any respect for lawbreakers, though; quite the opposite. While she hopes they can redeem themselves, Nadia hosts very harsh opinions about villains and thugs alike. Of course, even heroes have some down time. With hers, Nadia is actually a very casual person who would be perfectly happy just sitting down somewhere and having a drink. She gets that not all the time is business time, and tries to enjoy herself to the fullest between hero jobs, as it's pretty tough work. Her sense of enjoyment is a very relaxed one. Sit down, grab some snacks, maybe watch a funny movie, and just let the hours tick by until it's time to work again. She'd be more than happy to have someone join her as well. [b]Powers:[/b] Typically, when two objects collide, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy. Two examples include the sound made when clapping your hands, or a dent made in a car during a crash. Nadia's ability, however, prevents this, causing the full force of the collision to occur without her side being damaged. Aside from making Nadia herself virtually indestructible, this enables her to bypass the body's built-in limiters and use 100% of her power without fear of tearing muscles or breaking bones. As a result, she's far faster and stronger than her otherwise-normal appearance would suggest. It's also possible to extend these properties to an object she makes physical contact with. While this ability does prevent damage, however, it does not prevent the collision itself. Rather, due to all of the kinetic energy being maintained in the collision, Nadia will get knocked even further than she otherwise would while this is active. Additionally, since this ability involves some pretty advanced science shit, it takes quite a bit of calculation to use, making it hard to use for extended periods of time. [b]Weapons:[/b] Nadia uses a sakabato; a katana forged with the cutting blade on the inwardly-curved side of the sword, rather than the usual katana having the blade on the outward side. Because her power can reinforce objects with similar properties to herself, the sheath is also a viable weapon in combat. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Ideally, Nadia likes to end fights in one strike. Of course, she's seldom so lucky. Typical Nadia combat involves striking with the sakabato while using the sheath to parry attacks. If she has decided the only way to stop a villain is by killing them, Nadia will holster the sheath to her hip and turn her sword around, devoting both her hands to pure offense. [b]Signature Moves:[/b] [i]Vault Strike:[/i] The only really special move Nadia has ever thought up. Nadia slams her sheath into the ground, sending her high into the air. From there, she uses a combination of momentum and raw strength to land one massive aerial attack with both the sakabato and the sheath. [hider=History]Born in a rural town far from Megatropolis, Nadia Penn was the child of a simple mailman and his simple lawyer wife. She lived a simple life, in a simple town, with simple friends and simple foes. She had a pretty notable taste for the cultures of the Far East, but more on that later. One very popular game with Nadia and her friends was that they would play heroes & villains. Nadia was always the hero, and no matter how many of her friends played the bad guys, she didn't let up until she won. That life lasted for twelve very simple, but very happy years. Then she developed superpowers and things got a lot less simple. Now that she was a real live hero, she had to fight crime and stuff. That was how she saw it. Her enthusiasm for Eastern culture comes into play here, as she turned to such mediums as anime and manga for some pointers. She signed up for classes on how to use a sword, got herself a wooden katana, and set out in her free time as what honestly was little more than a street vigilante. Three years later, something crazy happened. A real live villain had invaded Nadia's peaceful hometown. Being the only one with superpowers, it fell to Nadia to save her town. After a fight like none she'd experienced, the villain was apprehended and sent away. The cheers of admiration and gratitude on that day are sounds she'll never forget. Using funds given to her for saving the town, Nadia purchased herself a real weapon. Preferring not to kill when possible, but still wanting the option just in case, Nadia had decided on a sakabato; a katana with the blade on the reverse side. Some more years passed, and eventually Nadia realized her fight against evil wasn't going to get very far in this little country town. Purchasing a set of armor to match her weapon of choice, Nadia left home at the age of twenty, and set out for Megatropolis. Life in the big city was rough at first, but she quickly adjusted. In the interest of keeping an eye on the poor, who were both more likely to become wrongdoers and would be more easily victimized by pre-existing ones, Nadia purchased an apartment in District E, devoting all her spare time to the hunt for evil.[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Outside of her skill with the sword, Nadia is good with machines and technology. Not to a point where she could craft superhero gadgets, but it's a goal of hers. She could probably get a day job as a mechanic or something if she wanted to. She's also a pretty decent artist. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Nadia's power grows weaker with fear. This normally isn't a problem, as one would think she fears nothing. However, this is not entirely true; Nadia does have one fear. She's afraid of the dark, causing her to inherently be weaker at night or in dimly-lit places. A room with no light would render her completely powerless. [b]Nemesis:[/b] [b]Story Arc Ideas:[/b] [/hider]