[hider=White Knight] [center] [img]http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag120/Eric_L_Grant/Hakumen_Chronophantasma_Character_Select_Artwork_zpse9c8ec15.png[/img] [h1][color=5F9EA0]White Knight[/color][/h1] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Real name Unknown [u][b]Alias[/b][/u] White Knight [u][b]Age[/b][/u] Unknown [u][b]Gender[/b] [/u] Male [u][b]Alignment[/b][/u] Hero [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Silent, serious and benevolent. He rarely speaks, only when he has something to say, preferring to let his deeds speak for himself. He is dedicated to protecting the innocent, showing kindness and compassion to ordinary people while displaying absolutely no sign of mercy to monsters and villains. In general, he sees other heroes as compatriots yet this opinion can and will shift depending on the hero itself. He is a man of honor, showing respect where it is due and always welcoming a challenge. He is confident in his skills but does not flaunt or brag, again letting his deeds speak for himself. [u][b]Powers[/b][/u] Surreal speed, strength and endurance as well as heighten senses are his core abilities, combined with his skills in hand-to-hand combat and his swordsmanship, he is a formidable opponent. His ironclad discipline has also strengthen his mind, allowing him to concentrate even in stressful situations and making him virtually immune to mental manipulation. [i][u]KI[/u][/i] His training has granted him the ability to influence his KI, allowing a great increase of either strength, speed or endurance. These influences are most apparent when using his Signature Moves. This also allows him to ‘sense’ the presence of others around him, or at a large distance provided he can properly concentrate. [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u] [i][u]Ookami-Ken [/u][/i](Wolfblade) A larger than average dai-katana with a precious blue gemstone stored in the pommel. It’s exact properties remain a mystery yet it is known to be virtually indestructible and can cut through even the hardest of materials. While he himself appears to wield this weapon like any other, there are records showing that anyone else has trouble even lifting it, no matter their physical strength. [u][b]Fighting Style[/b][/u] He is a master swordsman, exceling in fighting in a variety of styles and techniques, mostly inspired by the Japanese samurai yet has been known to also excel at hand-to-hand combat, even combining the two arts. He is a keen observer, adapting in battle as the situation demands it. [u][b]Signature Moves[/b][/u] [i][u]Genzoo [/u][/i](Phantom) Focusing his KI, he can achieve a short burst of impossible speed. He usually does this when facing a particularly powerful incoming attack. The attack will appear to hit but rather than connect it will simply pass through him, striking nothing but an afterimage and leaving the opponent open for a counterattack. [i][u]Ten no Ikari [/u][/i](Heaven’s Wrath) Focusing his KI, he can deliver a singular forward slash with devastating force behind it, causing a shockwave to be unleashed in the direction of the attack. Alternatively, he can deliver a powerful punch or kick with the same amount of force, while doing so will not unleash any shockwaves, it is known to be capable of demolishing a building or send not particularly large foes flying though the air. [i][u]Mugen[/u][/i] (Infinity) Focusing his KI, he can force deep wounds to close, bleeding to stop and stamina to recover. It is also possible to mend broken bones with this technique, provided he spends sufficient time meditating and concentrating for this exact purpose. [u][b]History[/b][/u] No not much is known of the mysterious hero. The earliest record of him dates roughly 50 years ago, when the D-District of Megatropolis was being attacked by what appeared to be a small army of sea creatures. People report that an unknown swordsman in an odd getup was seen fighting and slaying these creatures one after another until the gross majority were dead while the rest simply fled back into the sea. Since then, there have been plenty of similar reports from all districts. A swordsman clad in white, wandering the streets and dispersing justice, protecting the innocent, defeating villains, slaying monsters and even doing mundane acts of kindness such as rescuing kittens from trees. It has been noted that he rarely if ever speaks and people who actually heard him say that he sounds rather frightening (which has led to the assumption that this is the reason for his silence). The “White Knight”, as people started to call him, can often be seen wandering through the districts of Megatropolis to this day, seeking monsters and villains to battle and people to save. Needless to say, his deeds have caught the people’s attention, many being grateful for his protection and even forming fan-clubs, yet the hero himself appears to be rather disinterested in such forms of adulation. When not fighting or wandering around, he has been seen siting atop of high places and painting the scenic view, almost always simply leaving his artwork behind for anyone to find and claim. Nothing else is known about him and not all seem to accept him, plenty of people distrust him for the sole fact that they doubt him being human, find his appearance and eerie silence suspicious and claim that all his deeds are merely an act, biding his time and ‘preparing the scene’ for something sinister. The latest reports, indicate that he has been recently seen in B-District. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] He is a rather skilled artist. He can draw, paint, sculpt and write poetry in calligraphy. While nothing amazing, he also no stranger to technology. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] He is a jack-of-all trades when it comes to strength, speed and endurance but is a master in none. Heroes/Villains/Monsters specialized in those areas can easily overpower him in either one. He is more orientated to offense while his defense is rather lacking. While impressive, his stamina does not last indefinitely. [u][b]Nemesis[/b][/u] Anyone and anything who would do harm to an innocent. [u][b]Story Arc Ideas[/b][/u] -Past encounters with other Heroes and/or Villains- -People trying figure out his secrets- [u][b]Other[/b][/u] 2.10m tall. He does not eat, he does not drink and he only sleeps when absolutely necessary. Many suspect he is not human… [/center] [/hider]