[hider=Professor Neuro] [b]Name:[/b] Dr. h.c. mult. Nikolaus Graham, RNDr MVDr M.D. etc. [b]Alias:[/b] Professor Neuro [b]Age:[/b] 103 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Villain [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZmxELaY.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b] Neuro is a capricious, cowardly, mean-spirited creature defined mostly by his complete and utter lack of respect for human life. [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Kaijin:[/b] Neuro's greatest talent, and the one his parent organization makes the greatest use of, is his ability to quickly create various monsters, mutants, cyborgs, and assorted half-men collectively referred to as kaijin, which are generally a match for your average hero. Neuro normally uses humans as the basis for these creatures, though the majority are so far gone that destroying them is the only option. [b]Neurones:[/b] In addition to the human-based kaijin, Neuro also has an entourage of disposable minions created from lab-grown tissues, medical waste, and left over cybernetics, known as Neurones. They're not very bright, and their combat ability is on the level of an average human, but they [i]are[/i] both numerous and fanatically loyal. [b]Cybernetics:[/b] Neuro himself is no slouch in a combat situation, having modified himself to become a powerful combat cyborg capable of matching most superhumans in a straight fight- he's got the standard suite of superhuman strength, toughness, speed, and fighting prowess. Notably, being almost entirely mechanical, his stamina is effectively limitless. His body also grants him a number of useful powers, such as the ability to directly interface with machinery, greatly enhanced senses, and the ability to reconfigure himself into a variety of specialized forms. [b]Weapons:[/b] Aldo: An arming sword, kept as a momento from his years in Germany. It has no particular powers, but he's infuratingly skilled at using it to parry attacks. Additionally, he has a number of weapons embedded in his body, primarily electrical or chemical in nature. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Cold and calculating, Neuro's cybernetic parts allow him to dodge and parry attacks with effortless grace as he searches for an opening in his opponent's defense, striking with great force and precision- assuming he ever sticks around long enough to actually [i]fight[/i], that is. [b]Signature Moves:[/b] With incredible speed and practiced efficiency, Neuro hits his panic button, calling Neurones and half-finished kaijin to his aid. He then runs away while the hero or heroes are distracted. [b]History:[/b] Born in Neo-Germany just before the seventeenth world war, Nikolaus grew up in a land without pride or purpose. Frustrated with poor quality of life, constant disappointment, and one of the third or fourth worst economic depressions in the history of mankind, he did what any disenfranchised youth does: He turned to politics. Specifically, he joined up with the Neo-German Socialist Cyborgs Party. Over the course of his time with the party, he gradually worked his way up through the ranks, eventually becoming an officer in the Schutzstaffel and assistant to Mecha Mengele. There, he discovered his talent for medicine- specifically surgical procedures- while performing experiments on human subjects. Here, also, was where he began experimenting with "proactive self-improvement", as it were. Fleeing Neo-Germany after WWXVIII, he created a new face and a new name, reinventing himself as the mercenary mad scientist Professor Neuro, purveyor of purpose-built monsters. Currently, he is on payroll for one of the city's largest crime magnates, Papa Labrazio. Neuro's job, simply put, is to keep heroes and the police too busy to shut down organized crime, allowing the mob to operate with relative ease. [b]Skills:[/b] -Effectively superhuman surgical skills -Speaks French and German -Remarkably talented landscape painter -Skilled pianist [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Poor at fending off large numbers of opponents in hand-to-hand combat -Finds direct confrontation distasteful -Secret lab has notoriously subpar restraining devices and containment facilities, refuses to invest in better ones for some reason [b]Nemesis:[/b] N/A [b]Story Arc Ideas:[/b] A hero's loved one is kidnapped by Neurones as raw material for the Professor's next kaijin. Now it's a race against time to find his lab before the procedure can take place! [b]Other:[/b] Nothing at the moment [/hider]