[hider=John Pierrot][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Odeia3o.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] John Pierrot [b]Alias:[/b] Red-Hand John [b]Age:[/b] Indeterminate [b]Gender:[/b] Man [b]Alignment:[/b] Villain [b]Personality[/b]: John is cocksure, arrogant, and excessively violent. Any matters not directly related to his current goals are of no interest to him, and he will respond to any stopgaps in his plans with bloody retribution. [hider=Powers] [b]The Black Map:[/b] The Black Map is a set of directions that will lead to where the great pirate Captain Flint has been imprisoned. The Black Map has been split into pieces and hidden in and on five immensely valuable treasures scattered across the world. [b]Exactly [i]which[/i] treasures contain pieces to the Black Map changes almost daily.[/b] [b]Flint's Compass:[/b] A valuable tool that previously helped Flint pick his targets, Flint's Compass points to the nearest piece of the Black Map. Flint's Compass is built into the guard of the Red Stinger, his mighty cutlass. [b]The Albatross:[/b] Red-Hand John's very own pirate ship. [i]The Albatross[/i] is a first-class ship of the line enchanted with a battery of exotic and dangerous magics. [i]The Albatross[/i] is capable of flight, and travels between worlds, allowing it to traverse vast distances in seconds. With sixty-four magical cannons and a crew of loyal buccaneers, [i]The Albatross[/i] is easily capable of aiding John in a fight. [b]John's arrogance keeps him from relying on [i]The Albatross[/i]'s armaments, and generally only uses it to move from place to place and call in Ship's Mates.[/b] [i]The Albatross[/i]'s sails are always full, and its food and rum stores are always full. [b]Ship's Mates:[/b] Red-Hand John's crew of monsters will follow him to hell and back, and many of them have in fact done this already. At John's word, one of the monsters crewing [i]The Albatross[/i] will leap down and fight for him. John's mates are dangerous in their own right, and come in all shapes and sizes. [b]For some dramatic reason, John refuses to ever call down more than one mate, and won't even fight alongside them.[/b] [i]The Albatross[/i] can hold exactly forty-seven mates at any time. John affectionately refers to his mates as "Monsters of the Week", and takes an unusual pleasure in ensuring that each of them have a uniquely obnoxious gimmick of their own. [b]Lubbers:[/b] Separate from the Ship's Mates are the Lubbers, a self-replenishing army of low-quality fodder. Formed from coins and sent out by the squad, John has absolutely no compunction against having bunches of Lubbers accompany him and his Mates whenever possible. Every Lubber is slightly weaker than a normal human and wields whatever he can get his hands on. [b]Faceless, nameless, and shiftless, the Lubbers are almost entirely useless except for distracting enemies and performing gruntwork.[/b] Lubbers speak in nothing but shrill cries and screams. More valuable coins create more powerful Lubbers. John's prefers to use 50-yen coins and American quarters. [/hider] [hider=Weapons] [b]Red Stinger:[/b] An antique cutlass enchanted by Captain Flint himself, the Red Stinger can penetrate any barrier as effectively as a chilling wind through bare skin. [b]The Red Stinger is useless for stabbing, and so John can only cut deep gashes in his targets' armor, instead of piercing straight through it.[/b] Repeated strikes will logically cut deeper through his enemies' armor. The Red Stinger is intrinsically linked to John's existence, and will immediately teleport John to its location if lost. [b]Sting Jet:[/b] The Red Stinger can project intense gusts of wind either away from or towards where its blade is pointing. The gales produced by the Red Stinger are strong enough to knock people off their feet and can be controlled enough to drag priceless treasures into John's hands. [b]The Black Spot:[/b] Less of a weapon and more of a tool, the Black Spot is both John's calling card and primary mode of entry. If John touches a lock, any lock, with his off-hand palm, it will rapidly decay into uselessness. John will then be able to open the now-defenseless opening at his leisure. [b]The Black Spot only works on locking mechanisms and enchantments he can reach.[/b] [/hider] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] John prefers to fight with as much brute force as possible. With wicked chopping motions and veritable gales of wind, there is very little room for finesse in a fight against him. [hider=Signature Moves] [b]Know Where Your Sword Be[/b]: John abuses his linkage to the Red Stinger, and [i]throws it[/i]. Wherever the sword lands, John will appear there. This allows him to evade dangerous obstacles and gain the upper hand in combat fairly easily. [b]Come About![/b]: An advanced technique taking advantage of the circular quality of wind in an enclosed area. As the wind produced by Sting Jet has nowhere to go, it is deflected by the room's walls and wraps around the room instead. While John has had plenty of practice to deal with the sudden gales blasting around the room, his opponents generally will not. [b]Full Broadside![/b]: John can order a full battery of shots from [i]The Albatross[/i], delivering a veritable tempest of hot death. John dislikes using [i]The Albatross[/i] in combat, but will force himself to put it to good use if the situation demands it. [/hider] [b]History:[/b] John Pierrot was born and raised in the golden age of piracy, and found himself hired on as a sailor after a squalid childhood. The captain he served under was an incompetent drunk, and was a burden on the entire ship's crew. When a ship full of filthy pirates intercepted John's ship, it didn't take very long for the battle to fall out of his favor. In short order, John was beaten, kidnapped, and recruited into the pirates' crew. The pirate captain, a legendary figure known only as Captain Flint, seemed to resonate with an unnatural power, and granted it to his underlings astonishingly casually. For his devotion to his Captain, John was granted the gift of immortality, linked to his enchanted cutlass. So long as even a shard of the cutlass survived, John would never be felled. As Captain Flint's crew grew in wealth, so too did they grow in power and infamy. Within the year, Captain Flint was the deadliest pirate on the high seas, and had plundered the world's greatest treasures. It was only due to an unlikely alliance between the world's greatest heroes that Captain Flint and his crew were brought down and sealed in an enchanted prison at the bottom of the sea. By some miracle, John Pierrot was the only man in Flint's crew to have escaped imprisonment. With no small amount of effort, John Pierrot swam back to the Old World and went into hiding. John waited for the world to forget about the terror of the seven seas, gathering up a new crew and reclaiming his Captain's old treasures in the mean time. Some centuries later, John Pierrot has discovered one of the Old World's most dangerous secrets: there [i]is[/i] a way to open Captain Flint's prison. The process for doing so has been carefully written down and split across the old world's governments, just in case mankind was so threatened that a world with Captain Flint free and able was preferable to a world without. With his crew at his side and a quest in his eye, John set off on a whirlwind tour, plundering and robbing anything that his compass pointed to. Any day now, he'd unlock Captain Flint's prison and unleash the Old Pirate King into the world. The New Golden Age of Piracy awaits. Though Captain Flint's imprisonment occurred during the 1730s, there have been a number of new "golden ages of piracy". Each of them pale in comparison to the legendary anarchy that Flint had sought to bring out. However, John Pierrot [i]has[/i] taken advantage of these lawless times to steal as much mundane loot as possible before returning to relative dormancy. An armory of hyper-advanced tools and weaponry is hidden below the decks of [i]The Albatross[/i], and many of Pierrot's Shipmates come from these times. Pierrot, his tools, the Lubbers, and [i]The Albatross[/i] are all from the 1730s, however. [b]Skills:[/b] John understands French, German, English, Spanish, all Slavic languages, and Hungarian. John is a master shipwright and coxswain... exclusively for ships circa 1730. John fully understands the language of Semaphore and has managed to grasp the basics of morse code. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] John has very little staying power at range, and has an unbreakable habit of leaving a Mate to handle his enemies after only a few seconds of combat. John is also compelled to state his motives and plans whenever he is confronted. [b]Nemesis:[/b] All of John's long-term nemeses have long since died. [b]Story Arc Ideas:[/b] By sheer chance, the most recent five recipients of the Black Map are situated in the same city! Can the heroes stop John's attempted plundering before he learns how to bring back the King of all Pirates and usher in an age of anarchy? [b]Other:[/b] Though John is functionally immortal, it takes him time to heal his wounds. Permanent damage takes around a week to heal. Also, he's a tokusatsu villain.[/hider]