[b]"So what's our actual objective? Wait around until we find out what's taking out our drones? Look around a few days to see if we find some kind of alien life? I'm a bit confused to at what point we'd finally get to say, 'Mission complete. Job well done, boys. Let's pack it up and fly home back where it's warm and we're not freezing our balls off.'"[/b] [b]"I haven't got a clue. We're done when Command calls us and says we're done, or when we run out of MREs to eat."[/b] Zapka explained, [b]"Now, let's get down to the hanger."[/b] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/a51f6d291e06cbf452db44d8f518430b.png[/img] The hanger was massive, easily capable of housing two dozen Mechs. A road down the middle of the hanger lead to a launch platform, used by dropships. However, the place was mostly devoid of the warmachines. The ones of 1st Vanguard, and only a few others. The Engineers were not in short supply however. Easily over a hundred, working on various things. Mechs or armored vehicles. An Engineer handed Zapka a datapad. [b]"Captain Zapka,"[/b] The Engineer said with a salute, [b]"I'm the lead Engineer on the Aspis, if you want to change anything, you can swap it out now."[/b] Zapka looked at his mountainous machine, it was still in battle-loadout. "Here... Let's free up some tonnage." He said, tapping the datapad a few times. [b]"Take off the weapon pods and swap them out for fists and a single large laser module for each arm. Take off those rotary cannons on the shoulders too. That should be enough for the eggheads to install whatever they need to right?"[/b] "Should be. The heaviest things they want to install are a seismic sensor and an atmospheric scanner, just to be clear, that okay with you?" Zapka nodded and watched the teams of Engineers work on his mech, uninstalling the weapons, installing new ones and new modules would take something like an hour. In the meantime, he could hop into his mech and reacquaint himself with the controls, or monitor the power levels so that nothing would overheat or draw too much power. Instead he opted to just watch, and make sure the rest of his team was moving along smoothly.