Zenovia looked at the other Anuirean that confronted her. She could tell that the Knight was weary of her presence, seeing the woman's hand on her hilt. On the other hand, Zenovia was calm, and rather relaxed, her staff supported by her shoulder, the rings jingling behind her. The Kvaren looked at the woman's sash, identifying her as a lieutenant. She clicked her tongue in irritation as the knight asked for her documents. She handed the documents over to her, knowing fully that there was absolutely no mistakes in the writing or format. She glanced at the horrid looking dog that followed the knight. She would never allow something like that near her at all. She smirked at the Knight's comments, [color=ed145b]"Oh yeah, of course. They're just a bunch of savages as far as I'm concerned. We really can't have them roaming around illegally. A hazard to everyone's health, in my opinion."[/color] She responded lightheartedly, humouring the Knight's point of view. [color=ed145b]"If everything checks out, I'll be on my way. I have an important meeting to attend, and I can't afford to be late."[/color] She stated with mock concern. She waited for the Anuirean to finish analyzing her documents before taking them back in a rather nonchalant manner. After taking her documents, she proceeded to continue on her way.