[hider=Yamato Tanaka][center][b]Name:[/b] Yamato Tanaka [b]Alias:[/b] Beastmaster of Despair [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/F4Up9tA.png[/img] [color=92278f]“Truly I am mankind's natural foe! Evil incarnate! A walking cataclysm! A shapeless insanity! The Beastmaster of DESPAIR!”[/color][/hider] [b]Personality[/b] Personality: Yamato speaks in grand gestures and overblown histrionics, making his every word brim larger than life. He also treats even mundane people and events immensely significant and special, embellishing them and adding his own perceived reality upon them. He considers himself to be quite a ladies-man, though his disjointed perception from reality pushes away anyone he puts his moves on. Though he constantly proclaims himself to be evil and attempting to take over the world, it is a fake persona for his true nature of being kind and caring, especially to his pets whom he treasures, and animals in general due to being an animal breeder. [b]Powers:[/b] [i][u]-The Four Dark Devas of Destruction:[/u][/i] Yamato's scarf is home to four hamsters who are Yamato's primary means of combating his enemies. They are loyal to him, and come to his aid when called upon. Yamato can use his power as Beastmaster Overlord to awaken all of their true forms, turning them into fearsome creatures of great power, until they revert back when beaten or commanded by Yamato. They include the following members: *Cham-P: The hamster that fits inside Yamato’s scarf easily despite his large size. His awakened form is Invading Black Dragon, a mythic creature of legendary origin only bested in sheer strength by Maga-Z. He is able to fly using scaly wings and breathe green fire. Yamato rides on his back when he enters combat, as befits an Overlord. *San-D: The hamster that always looks like she’s having fun. Her awakened form is Star-Destroyer Grey Fox. She is the swiftest of the four, able to run at the speed of light despite being the size of a motorcycle, leaving only trails of white light from her glowing fangs. Yamato may ride on her for lightning-fast travel. *Jan-P: The hamster that’s always taking a nap in a precarious place. His awakened form is Mirage Silver Falcon, an avian predator the size of an aeroplane that soars through the skies. His glistening wings mesmerize, confuse, and can even put to sleep any weak-willed being who looks at them. His feathers can also turn light-refractive, turning him and his rider completely invisible and making him perfect for Yamato to ride on if he needs to travel undetected. *Maga-Z: The hamster that has a torn ear that makes him look tough. His awakened form is Crimson Steel Elephant, the slowest, but also the most powerful of the Devas, able to sunder the earth with his stomps, crush buildings with his imposing frame and pierce through anything with his adamantium tusks. His trunk can also constrict and crush bones, and his diamond-hard skin is virtually impenetrable. He is often mistaken for one of the monsters that attack the city. [b]Weapons:[/b] Yamato wields no weapons, for he fully believes in the power of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Yamato directs his beloved pet hamsters against his enemies while riding one of them as a mount, often hanging back and watching the ensuing carnage. He is also versed in the use of a couple of forbidden arts. [b]Signature Moves:[/b] [i][u]-The Evil Eye:[/u][/i] Yamato has a magical eye that allows him to see a far distance, through walls, illusion magic and trickery and hypnotize animals and make them do his bidding. Yamato can also use it to see his opponent's moves before they are done, but continuous use of the power drains him. He also can't avoid moves he physically can't dodge, such as bullets and sound-speed attacks. [i][u]-Infinity Unlimited Flame:[/u][/i] A dangerous power Yamato only uses as a last resort or in dire circumstances: he releases the magical bindings of his sinister arm, and unleashes an ever-consuming blaze from his cursed palm. The fire replicates through oxygen alone, spreading into the air and to every surface like a wildfire from a nightmare until Yamato stops the spell, is knocked unconscious, or the world has burned to ashes. The power also eats away at Yamato's arm, consuming bits from it as long as the inferno rages on. [b]History:[/b] Yamato is a Beastmaster, a member of a clan of animal breeders that hide themselves from society and practice the forbidden art of "Awakening", a technique that releases the unbound energy of animals and turns them into Yokai-like entities. Only the greatest Beastmasters, who are titled Overlords, can master the art and have complete control over the awakened beasts. After Yamato gained the title of Overlord he set out with his four trusted companions and use his skills to protect the natural order of the world, and stands vigilantly in watch over the city. [b]Skills:[/b] Yamato is the Ultimate Breeder, and thus knows all there is to know about animal breeding and handling. He always has a bag of seeds ready to use, and he can imitate animal and bird calls fluently. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The Four Dark Devas of Destruction turn back into hamsters when Yamato is rendered unconscious or otherwise disabled. He himself has no ability for close quarters combat, and can be easily taken out by a persistent enemy. [b]Nemesis:[/b] (There is an original character I can provide as a nemesis to Yamato if requested.) [b]Story Arc Ideas:[/b] -Him meeting his nemesis, see above [b]Other:[/b] Yamato's blood type is B.[/center][/hider]